Daniel Larson

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Remember DOXXING is punishable by law!

Daniel Robert Larson (born November 15, 1998),[1] also known as Danderson, is a self-proclaimed professional singer/songwriter, fashion model, actor, and internet celebrity who has gained a large following due to his intriguing and controversial content, including his multiple bans for nudity on live streams, him running for President of the United States, and his obsession with Grace VanderWaal.

Early Life and Internet Career

Daniel Robert Larson was born to Elisabeth Lee Shimer and James Travis Larson on November 15th, 1998, in Lancaster, California.

Not much is known about his young childhood, but age 4, Daniel's father tells of a time when Daniel painted on his grandmother's walls, and instead of punishing him, she instead chose to give him M&M's which, in his father's opinion, enforced Daniel's bad habits.

At about age 11, he was forced to no longer live with his parents, and the next person to serve as Daniel's legal guardian would be his previously mentioned and allegedly enabling grandmother, Nancy Shimer.

By age 14, Daniel was enrolled at the Tennyson Center for Children to help rehabilitate and educate him, while allowed his dreams of going to college for film school and music production flourish.

Soon, a 2012 news report on KWGN regarding his time at the Tennyson Center for Children states that he grew up in an extremely neglectful home and allegedly abusive mother.

Around this time, Daniel was diagnosed with ADHD, autism, mental retardation and bipolar disorder. It's possible and constantly speculated that he has more disorders such as schizophrenia, as in the words of James (his father), Daniel has a "laundry list" of mental issues. It is also presumed that his neglectful parents have left him with a great deal of childhood trauma, which may exacerbate his already chaotic behavior.

In July of 2019, Nancy passed away from cancer and Daniel was instituted into a state-run group home program for the disabled, where he remained for about two years before alternating between living with other individuals and living on the streets. Daniel, being on the streets, having most of his close family in another state, experiencing great hardship, and having little access to mental healthcare, started taking a turn for the worse in terms of mental health.

It would be in September that Daniel would start using social media, starting a major turning point in his life. Daniel created his first TikTok and Youtube accounts in the same month, and would start to gain a following rather quickly due to his odd looks and behavior.

Daniel would make a multitude of videos that would blow him up on TikTok, like his accidentally well-timed Fog videos and his video addressing Quandale Dingle.

Early Trolling

Ever since Daniel blew up on TikTok, he has been a constant target for trolls. His behavior, looks, along with his delusions/dreams of being a famous singer and actor have led him to being heavily manipulated by trolls.

His trolls would originate relatively harmless pranks, such as them spamming his comments section, calling him, baiting him into reactions, and claiming to be Grace VanderWaal.

But the tame pranks would start to shift around the end of 2020, and as Flexburger would enter the scene in mid-2021, the pranking would become closer to manipulation.

Flexburger contacted Daniel claiming to be a record label, and would begin the first string of managers for Daniel. These "managers" would do very little to actually further his music career and would instead start to manipulate and influence him into doing degrading acts such as the May 6th incident.

Around the same time, another wave of popularity would occur around Daniel Larson, him getting over a million views on TikTok after three notable events that both happened in 2020. He would announce his Presidential Campaign on his TikTok account in July, which while going nowhere, gained him a ton of eyes for how delusional he seemed. R/Daniellarson would be founded in October, which while being mostly on the down-low in the months following, would later flood with popularity and become the biggest hub of Daniel Larson activity would occur.

The third, final, and definitely most controversial incident would be the Flexburger Pinterest leak. Flexburger would leak the account onto the subreddit, and its contents would be more than disturbing. It contained photos of young girls, maps of the age of consent in US states, and other images and content which would point to one conclusion that Daniel could be a pedophile.

There would almost immediately be a ton of debate over whether Daniel actually owned the account, however, as many alleged that Flexburger hacked the account and placed the photos onto the page, which is believable as Flexburger was a known manipulator and has hacked into Daniel's accounts before.

However, many would counter these arguments by saying that Flexburger had no reason to do this, it would take a monumental amount of effort to save the amount of photos he did, and that Daniel was already suspected to be a pedophile due to his obsession with Grace VanderWaal.

No matter what you think of this leak, this is definitely the second major turn in the Daniel Larson story, as most people did not suspect he was a pedophile before despite his Grace obsession. Daniel's appearance to the community would change from that of an innocent, mentally ill man to a dangerous pedophile, and he would start to receive more constant and potent trolling.


January-August 2021

2021 would start off mostly benign, with him having very little online activity, but it would soon become one of the foundational years of the Daniel Larson lore and community.

In May, Daniel would make a video, possibly influenced by Flexburger, admitting that he sympathised with EDP445, a youtuber who was caught trying to have sex with a 14 year-old decoy. The day after, Daniel would declare war on Flexburger after Flexburger leaked an audio clip of Daniel saying he wanted to have sex with Sky Brown, a 12 year-old actress.

Flexburger would retaliate extremely because of Daniel's declaration, manipulating Daniel into doing the May 6th incident occurs. On May 6th, 2021, Daniel would expose his penis to 500 people, most of them probably being children, on TikTok live under the pretense that it was an audition for an adult film actor. His TikTok account would almost immediately be nuked after that.

TikTok had grown aware of Daniel's existence after May 6th, and would repeatedly ban Daniel's new attempts at returning to social media. He would jump platforms to Likee, a TikTok clone, and would livestream him doing various things.

In the background, more and more trolls would catch onto Daniel's infatuation with Grace VanderWaal and would impersonate her more and more. This would lead to the December 10th Likee meltdown. Daniel would post a video of him going through an extreme meltdown over him being rejected from the VanderWaal team, threatening to kill himself and harm various people over it.

After the incident, he would make more videos about Grace with the overarching theme of her death. A video memorial would be made for her, and he would take a short break from the internet.

"Roaring Thunder", Daniel's most revered and popular song would be released on November 15th, the same day he was sent to the hospital after an altercation with Jonas, his current caretaker. Jonas would reappear in the coming months, Daniel making videos complaining about and even fighting Jonas.

Among shaving a mohawk in a similar vain to a polish chicken and preforming his first concert, he would relocate to California, .

California Sidetrack

Daniel would take the midnight train to California on August 20th, 2021 in a failed attempt to meet his father, Travis Larson, who was impersonated by a troll who said he'd meet Daniel in the golden state.

He would be dropped by his disability services as a result of him going to a completely different state without warning, and would kick off his new life in California by comparing himself to Micheal Jackson, threatening Grace VanderWaal's boyfriend, and accidentally ending up in Emeryville instead of Los Angeles.

He would almost instantly be relocated back to Colorado Springs by his case manager, Samantha.

Back in Black

Daniel would go silent for a week after his TikTok account @daniellarsoninsocal, made in preparation of him going to California, was nuked. He would return by declaring his hatred for the police and making a video of him twerking while mouthing off about how bad the police are.

November would start off with the introduction of the infamous fictional Jew Goldberg Shacklestein, who is actually named Goldberg Shekelstein but was mispronounced because of Daniel's speech impediment. Shacklestein was, according to Daniel, threatening him and the leader of the New York mafia.

Jonas would return with a video of Daniel, Jonas, and Gavin having a verbal altercation. This theme of meltdowns would continue as Daniel's current Grace VanderWaal troll would, presumably, get bored and break up with him.

(breakup with grace meltdown)

(video asking for young women to date him)


(daniel threatens to break down his walls in a hotel because his neighbors were loud)

(long absence in posting until March)

(he posts a video humping the camera for grace)

(bisexual arc)

(orange shirt???)

(crying in bathroom stall)

(video of him punching himself in the dick in a parking lot)

(Daniel says the reason why he is not dating grace at the moment is because she lost her virginity and that he is still a virgin)

(denver colfax marathon)

Daniel Larson Golden Age

(Massive meltdown because of Andrew)

(roe v wade protest)

(daniel gets mobbed)

(Briiiink enters the situation)

(Daniel is fined $1000 for something involving andrew)

Methods of Trolls

Calling & texting

Daniel's number is leaked with ease, and with no accessible way to change it, he is subject to constant calls from trolls, which can be seen during his live streams where his ringtone is constantly cutting off the audio to his streams.

The trolls who call and text him usually just harass him, but in some of the more notable and infamous examples, they impersonate Grace VanderWaal, and managers of record labels and manipulate him into doing degrading things.


Daniel's accounts are constantly hacked and stolen, generating a ton of debate in the Daniel Larson community of whether or not he is really a pedophile or not. Many incidents, like the leaking of Daniel's Pinterest account by Flexburger during the headset era, are controversial due to the potential that Daniel Larson was hacked into liking and saving videos of young girls and maps of the age of consent in the United States.

Physical and Mental Health

Daniel's physical and mental health is poor due to numerous factors, like his birth conditions, family, homelessness, and harassment from the trolls.

Picture of Daniel

Birth conditions

Daniel, considering his looks, probably has some sort of undiagnosed birth condition.

It is known that Daniel has a speech impediment due to him not being able to pronounce words properly, like, "question", which turns out as, "kreschin".


Daniel has scabies, a skin disease where little bugs crawl into his skin and cause irritation.

Mental health

Daniel is severely mentally ill, and definitely cannot be trusted to live on his own. He has ADHD, autism, and bipolar disorder, and probably has a form of schizophrenia due to him definitely displaying the paranoia and delusions that indicate the disorder.

These illnesses often cause him to be extremely naïve, volatile, and physically dangerous, which most definitely do not help the situation.


Daniel Larson's finances are, and have always been, in disarray. When Daniel’s grandmother, Nancy Shimer, died she left her money in a trust fund to Daniel, which is currently being managed by Bob Proctor. He is homeless and constantly dine and dashes, as well as gets on buses that he does not have a ticket for.

Internet Fame and Infamy

Daniel Larson has a sleuth of social media accounts, including TikTok, YouTube, Likee, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, and probably many others.


Daniel Larson started his first TikTok account in March 2020, where he posted videos of him singing and rambling about various topics, these becoming a common theme among his posts. He started gaining popularity on the platform in Mid 2020 due to his looks, The Fog meme, and his run for Presidency.

He also would later gain another spike in popularity due to his Grace VanderWaal obsession and the celebrity in the hospital ramblings.


On October 29th 2020, r/Daniellarson was created. This subreddit became a hub of activity in regards to Daniel, and is one of the most used sources of information regarding Daniel.


Daniel proven on multiple occasions to be very volatile and vulnerable to sudden fits of rage, them almost always captured from the perspective of Daniel’s phone. Daniel acts out in multiple ways for a sleuth of reasons, most of his rages being mostly verbal, but sometimes violent, sometimes involving him hitting people [see Jonas and Bob Proctor] and himself.[2][3]

A rare external video of Daniel was uploaded to Reddit on September 30, 2022 of Daniel hitting himself and kicking store windows. The video was supposedly filmed by Brink.
