Daniel and health

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A predominant theme in the Daniel Larson saga is Daniel's chronic mental health issues and his deteriorating physical health. Considering his lack of exercise, poor nutrition, refusal to bathe and the general uncleanliness of his surroundings, he has developed potentially life-threatening conditions out of negligence (e.g. alcohol syndrome or his parents have horrible genes) and lack of regard for himself.

His mental health issues are a driving factor behind a majority of his decisions, and are definitely an indirect cause of his homelessness, police record, and his internet fame/infamy. However this is not an excuse for anything. Simply blaming a condition for Daniel’s actions doesn’t explain everything.

Physical Health

Daniel Larson's physical health, despite being poor, is better than his mental health. Due to being homeless, lazy, having an aversion to most forms of hygiene, and not the brightest person when it comes to sanitation (e.g. the poop rag incident), he is at high risk of disease and infection. His various warrants have listed his basic information: he is a 5'10" male Caucasian who weighs about 115 pounds, which is underweight for a man of that height.

A picture of Daniel from 2019


One of the many reasons Daniel Larson has gained such a prominent social media following is his odd appearance. His eyes are oddly proportioned, drooping down in an unnatural way, and his nose is abnormally large; his cranium is smaller than average (possible sign of microcephaly) and his mouth is slightly dispositioned, as if falling off of his face.

Daniel Larson, because of his diet, lack of physical activity, and other health issues (especially trench foot), is not very physically fit.

Daniel, in one video, is seen smashing his headphones running at a light pace for less than 3 minutes, and is seen completely winded from the exercise.

While his appearance may have something to do with his health, bad genetics is a probable cause as well.

A photo of Daniel's scabies rashes


(see Scabies)

Scabies is a highly contagious infection of the skin by the small mite sarcoptes scabiei. Daniel Larson probably has a scabies infection. It is highly recommended to avoid any physical contact with Daniel. It has been noted that he has given people rashes and various other infections from his uncleanliness.

Scabies mites cause extreme discomfort and possible bleeding, creating pimple-like rashes that can become infected. Scabies is notoriously difficult to treat and extremely easy to spread, with most hospitals destroying the clothes of patients with scabies and putting them in strict containment.[1]

Daniel Larson first showed signs of scabies sometime in early 2023 during the Las Vegas Arc, when he was homeless in Las Vegas.

Daniel was wearing the same clothes for weeks at a time and not bathing even when he did had the chance to. He slept on dirty streets and in porta-potties around other homeless people who were highly likely to have carried disease. These are heavy risk factors for a plethora of diseases, especially scabies.

In January of 2023, Daniel started showing off mysterious rashes on his skin, which was met by a great amount of concern for a risk of infection due to him aggressively scratching and irritating the potential wounds further.

In the same month, r/daniellarson armchair-diagnosed him with scabies, which was extremely worrying as Daniel was in Disneyland at the time of diagnosis, and was in close contact of other people on bus and carnival rides, as well as other homeless people who slept near him, which potentially only engendered his disease via making it worse.

The community spread warnings of Daniel all over Facebook, warning people to stay away from him and to visit the hospital if they were in close contact.[2]

Daniel eventually visited the hospital in January of 2023 and was given treatment, which is summarized below.

Trench foot, circulation issues, and foot issues

(see Trench Foot)

Trench foot is a type of foot damage caused by excessive and long-term exposure to moisture, where the foot shows signs of decay and can become painful due to moisture damage.[3]

Daniel Larson was diagnosed with the condition after a couple of months of homelessness, and Daniel recorded videos of himself in the hospital. His treatment of it is listed below.

Daniel in early 2023 posted that he has worn the same, moldy socks from a month ago and that his feet are black,[4] stinking, and bleeding profusely.[5] This is alarming as these symptoms are a possible sign of necrosis.

However, upon the surfacing of closer photos of his feet, it is very apparent that he does not have necrosis, or has an early stage of it. Daniel has a large plantar wart at the bottom of his heel, which is not very severe, but what he does have that is concerning is discoloration of the foot, and odd splotches at the sole of his foot, which could be early necrosis, but probably isn't.

A major concern now is a possible blood clot or circulation issues. Daniel has constant inflammation and discoloration of his ankle below, and he has talked about losing feeling in his foot, so those are both major red flags for such an issue.

Other foot issues

  • Inflammation around ankle
    • Daniel's ankle is massively inflamed[6] and consistently so, which is extremely worrying. It could be sign of infection, injury, too much walking (which is not helping his trench foot), or lack of proper blood flow to the area. It could also be lymphedema, which can be a result of bacteria or some sort of contamination.
  • Blister
    • Daniel has a massive blister at the heel of his foot.[6]
  • Plantar warts
    • Daniel has multiple plantar warts on his feet, which are benign and will likely resolve themselves.
  • Foot fungus
    • On a recent short on YouTube, Daniel showcases his toes. His big toe is green due to a foot fungus, and the nail bed is shifted way back in the toe, presumably from walking long distances in small women's shoes. His other toenails are grown and yellow.

Dental Health

Daniel's poor dental health is exhibited throughout his content. Daniel suffers from hypodontia, which is the developmental absence of one or more teeth excluding the third molars. In November of 2022, it was confirmed[7] by Luke, a former management member, during a Reddit Q&A that Daniel is missing teeth due to hypodontia.[8]

With Daniel being homeless, he is unable to brush his teeth, causing general poor dental health, including cavities and yellow teeth. Due to his homelessness, Daniel may not be able to visit a dentist, which has let crooked teeth go uncorrected. He visibly has a misshapen dental arch. His front 2 teeth are different sizes, possibly from unfixed crowding, and only his front 2 teeth are displayed while talking, possibly a sign of an overbite.

Overall, due to a lack of a dentist and dental hygiene, Daniel's dental health is extremely poor.


Bob Proctor

Main Article: December 10th Incident

On December 10th, 2022, Daniel streamed an altercation between him and Bob Proctor on TikTok live, showing him hitting himself and Bob.

Throughout the video, Daniel's nose is visibly bleeding and Daniel repeatedly claims that his arm is broken. He would later film himself in an ambulance, but his arm wasn’t broken at all.

His nose looks like the continent of Africa

Nose laceration

Daniel recently had a large, distinctive laceration on his nose as a result of the Bodega Incident, which is talked about below. Daniel kept picking off the scab, showing a hole (please do not picture) in his nose. Several of his videos were hidden by TikTok by how purely gory they were. Think lots of blood.

Fan assault

On February 23rd, 2023, after a two-week absence during the Las Vegas Arc, re-appeared on social media claiming that two fans attacked him on East Fremont Street.

Allegedly, the two fans greeted Daniel outside of a casino and led him down to Fremont, where they pushed him down, kicked him, and stole his phone. While this attack is a serious matter, it seems like Daniel has no permanent injuries.

Bodega incident

On April 5, 2023, Daniel assaulted a worker at a bodega after he was harassed and agitated by a couple of teenagers.

Daniel sustained multiple injuries, including a black eye and a large cut on his nose. He was worried about a potential concussion, but after a screening at a hospital, no concussion nor fractures was found.

He could be seen later with gauze in, and a bandage on his nose.[9]


Daniel often engages in self-harm, such as him banging his head on objects and him hitting himself, usually when he is frustrated, having a meltdown, or extremely agitated. This has shown itself many times, most severely in the Bob Proctor meltdown, wherein Daniel bangs his head onto his own hands and the dashboard of Bobs car multiple times, even after being told to stop.

Head banging and punching oneself while under duress is probably a result of autism, as about 30% of autistic children engage in these behaviors[10]. In most cases it is a reaction to a stressor. More information on Daniel’s instances of self-harm can be found here.

Mental Health


Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a loosely defined amount of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by challenges with social interaction and communication.[11] Daniel Larson is autistic, which is a driving force behind his naïveté, lack of social skills, and frequent meltdowns.


ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that are either impairing or age-inappropriate.[12] Daniel Larson has ADHD, which is a large factor in his lack of financial skills and homelessness, his impulsivity, and lack of foresight resulting in him gambling and blowing all of his money, or buying things he doesn’t need like $40 nachos or headphones.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by rapid and extreme mood swings, characterized by periods of depression, abnormal elation, and sometimes psychosis.[13]

Another major driving force behind Daniel's Meltdowns is his bipolarism.


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by episodes of psychosis, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and delusions.[14] While a diagnosis of schizophrenia is unconfirmed, him taking Latuda (a schizophrenia medication[15]) and often showing delusions (i.e. Presidential Campaign, Goldberg Shacklestein) and possible episodes of psychosis are major signs that Daniel could have schizophrenia.

But, it’s important to note that Daniel has never shown any signs of having hallucinations before, which, while it is not normally a criteria, it is criteria for him having schizophrenia.

It’s more likely that he has schizoaffective disorder, as according to the diagnostic criteria, there needs to be a definite period of at least two weeks in which psychotic symptoms and a mood episode have been shown in order to diagnose schizoaffective disorder, which Daniel definitely has shown.

Intellectual issues

Daniel, as a result of his laundry list of disorders, has a very poor intellect and is unable to properly handle many things necessary to function as an adult. It is possible that Daniel has an intellectual disability.

Intellect & comprehension

Daniel is not the sharpest tool in the shed, having a very low 'mental age' in comparison with his physical age. This is most apparent in his Tennyson Center interview, where during the interview, Daniel acts like a 7-year-old despite being 14 at the time of recording.

His young mental age is a likely factor behind his lack of understanding of money, and why he almost instantly blows all the money he should be spending on proper meals, housing, and medicine on gambling and luxury goods like electronics, food at expensive restaurants, and on bus rides to nowhere. Most likely, he was never taught on things like this.

Understanding of Sex

Daniel has an extremely poor and warped view of sexual intercourse, mostly stemming from his stunted sexual development, comprehension skills, and mental age, although this doesn’t excuse any of his actions. This is most likely a factor behind his pedophilia, and also potentially even because of sexual abuse in his past. Daniel also lacks of ability to understand consent, which has been demonstrated to its full effect during the infamous Sleepy Joe incident, wherein he touched himself to a sleeping homeless man who was doing nothing remotely sexual.

"Who has had sex and who hasn't"
"Who has had sex and hasn't" "I have not"

Daniel has an incredibly childish view of sex and what sex is like; so much so that Daniel idolizes it and has odd ideas of how sex works. He knows very little about sex; he is also noticeably confused about basic sexual terminology. For example, Daniel has called ejaculation "..the peeing feeling". Most of Daniel's sexual fantasies are recreations of what he pictures within his mind and not from plausible sexual experience. Daniel has admitted on various occasions that he is a virgin.

Even so, Daniel seems very interested in furthering his sexual education, often asking people via private messages if they have had sex, what it felt like, and other questions of a similar type. Even in group messages, Daniel did not shy away from showing his unbridled sexual tendencies.

A person who was in one of these group chat documents their experiences, posted on the r/daniellarson subreddit.

"He has an incredibly childish view of sex and what sex is like, to the point he idolizes sex and has very weird fantasies and ideas of how sex works. This furthers the point that he has a very childish mind, potentially even because of sexual abuse in the past."

"He’s VERY intrigued on furthering his sexual education. Kinda like how when most of us had to watch “the movie” growing up before graduating elementary school. It was funny, it was new, and just the prospect of talking about it in school was kinda exciting when we were like 11. Back in 2021 Daniel used to add me and a bunch of people from the Larson lore (i.e. Sabbath, Lil Sid, etc) to these group chats where he’d literally be like “Okay so has anyone ever had sex? What did it feel like? Was it warm? What did you think about during it?” Super strange, he’d just fire off questions like that. I definitely have screenshots somewhere in Google photos."[16]

"Are you ok with telling me what it felt like"

Daniel also shows a lack of understanding when it comes to sex, often wondering and asking if rape feels any good at all. He is very apathetic about the idea of consent, and to a larger extent, rape. When a troll pretending to be Grace VanderWaal told him that she was being raped, he immediately opted to asking if it felt good and various other questions as to what the experience was like. This was presumably so Daniel could get off to the thought of his favorite celebrity and long-time crush being fucked. One can argue that this was only because the person in question was pretending to be Grace, but even people who aren't Grace are asked similar questions.

In all likelihood, these parts of his behavior are most likely explained by his ignorance about the world, which causes him to be quite naïve about how bad rape actually is. To Daniel, it is nothing more than another word for sex.


Main Article: Pedophilia

Pedophilia has always been a touchy subject for Daniel. During the initial leaking of Daniel's Pinterest account, he had at first attempted to deny all claims that he was a pedophile, pretending he hadn't even known what Pinterest was, before doubling down and boldly admitting it to the camera.

Daniel's pedophilia dates as far back as to when he was 18, where he had seen Grace VanderWaal on America's Got Talent when Grace was only 12 years of age. Daniel's grandmother, Nancy Shimer, told Daniel that he would have a chance at dating Grace, which resulted in Daniel's years long, unstoppable penchant for talking sexually about Grace, and stalking her. Even though Grace is now an adult, during the years when he started TikTok, she was still underage, and Daniel had not shied away from talking about her in revolting manners. When in correspondence with trolls who had pretended to be Grace, Daniel had (and still presumably has) a habit of sending photos of Grace from her childhood which he attempted to sexualize.

Daniel is well aware of the allegations of pedophilia against him, and has vehemently denied it. To try to retain this image, when he spoke to a person he had thought to be a minor on Kik, he had changed his name to "Bill Carter" in an attempt to evade suspicion and throw people off his scent. Events such as this highlight that Daniel is aware that what he's doing is wrong, although he shows no sign of stopping.

Sex Toys

Daniel has made numerous purchases for sex toys, his go-to toy being a fleshlight, or "pocket pussy".

"I'm going to a sex shop to get something for us"

On July 30th, 2023, he purchased one of them from a sex shop while speaking to another fake Grace troll.[17] The fleshlight was bought using money that Bob Proctor had supplied to Daniel to buy essentials such as food, water, and clothes, which he never did.

Daniel showing off the fleshlight he'd bought.

In these messages, Daniel claims that he was getting something for "us", as if the troll was going to feel Daniel using the fleshlight, or something to that effect. Daniel's reasoning for saying this is unknown. Using Bob's money, he purchased a fleshlight from a sex shop (which sex shop is unknown), and soon showed it off to the troll. However, this purchase was all for naught as Daniel would soon lose the bag he kept the fleshlight in.

Daniel showing off his fleshlight on his TikTok account.

On August 15th, 2023, Daniel purchased 4 more fleshlights, with 2 of them resembling a man's anus. Daniel claimed to have spent $500 dollars that day. Daniel's reasoning for buying all four instead of just one is unknown, and furthermore, Daniel's obsession for buying increasingly expensive things instead of budgeting as he is most obviously homeless, is a mystery. What's even more horrifying about this situation is that due to Daniel's homelessness, there is a very strong chance that if he ever gets around to using these toys, they will most likely remain uncleaned and absolutely filthy.


2-week mental hospital visit

After threatening people with fireworks, Daniel was put into a mental hospital which he has described as "A living hell"[18], where he was given Latuda, a schizophrenia medication.[15]

Scabies treatment

Daniel was diagnosed with scabies in 2023 and was prescribed a lotion. Daniel proceeded to not use the lotion, as he spent the money dedicated towards the lotion on food from The Cheesecake Factory.

Eventually, the Scabies got so severe it got to the point he was bleeding out of his skin. Daniel went to the hospital and received a dose of Ivermectin and was cleaned off. Following the visit, his scabies went into remission.

Trench foot treatment

Trench foot isn't a disease and is only treatable, not curable. The doctor told Daniel to keep his feet dry, limit his walking, change his socks often, and find a homeless shelter or hotel to sleep at. Daniel proceeded to do none of this.

Trench foot, if it gets severe enough, can require amputation. This is a severe disorder, and recently Daniel has posted videos of his feet bleeding due to damage.

Caretakers, assisted living, and case managers

Daniel Larson has lived in multiple assisted living facilities with multiple caretakers, which were coordinated by a multitude of case managers.

Daniel has run away from his caretaker Jonas' house and opted to be homeless rather than be in the same house as him due to a multitude of incidents, like his fight with Jonas and him thinking that his caretaker poisoned his Mac n' Cheese.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scabies
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/10giimx/larson_got_famous_in_anaheim_109_shares_81/
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trench_foot
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/10ezoww/danderson_says_his_trench_foot_blisters_are/
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/10ezoww/danderson_says_his_trench_foot_blisters_are/
  6. 6.0 6.1 https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/10m21eg/his_fucking_foot_ew/
  7. Comment"I know it wasnt asked this time specifically but I've seen people inquiring about it before: Daniel is missing teeth due to a condition called Hypodontia. It is when you fail to develop some/all of your adult teeth. It can be inherited or caused by illnesses in infancy. He did have a full set of teeth baby teeth but when the baby ones fell out, there was no teeth to replace them in a few spots. He also never brushes them and drinks soda exclusively."
  8. Hypodontia
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWMP1Dmz1dc&ab_channel=DanielLarsonCurator
  10. https://www.autismparentingmagazine.com/autism-self-harm/
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_spectrum
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipolar_disorder
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia
  15. 15.0 15.1 https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-155134/latuda-oral/details
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/11sj45w/comment/jcezmr4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
  17. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/15ei235/more_texts_daniel_sent_to_grace_he_bought_a/
  18. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u6AothG63B4