Timeline (2024, first quarter)

From Daniel Larson Wiki
Revision as of 15:57, 27 March 2024 by WindowsXP (talk | contribs)
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A complete record of Daniel Larson's (or his relatives) life from January to March of 2024. No detail is too small to be added.




  • Daniel says that he meets with the FBI today. [2]
  • Daniel says that the US Secret Service wants Bob to testify against him in court. [3]
  • Daniel warns that if he has new criminal charges, his probation officers will revoke his probation, and he will lose housing services. [4]
  • Daniel says that he needs to get a passport for his record label contract. [5]
  • Daniel says that he has broken up with Grace VanderWaal "for the time being" as he does not have housing and she "claims" Daniel isn't working with her manager. [6]
  • Daniel says that Dexter called about a possible reality show starring Daniel. [7]
  • Daniel has court at Jefferson County tomorrow. [8]
  • Daniel says that he has over $300 and growing in his company savings. [9]
  • Daniel gets a hotel room. He thanks everyone for the support through music sales and donations. [10]
  • Daniel's TikTok, daniellarsonfree2024, gets banned.


  • Daniel has a court hearing. He goes live on the light-rail on his way back. [11]
  • Daniel goes to Jason’s Deli and orders a slice of cheesecake after ordering food for himself. [12] After paying and getting the cake he goes to look for a homeless man, saying “I don’t know where he went”. [13] Once the man returns to his seat, Daniel gives him the cheesecake. [14] He then gives the man a business card for housing and resources in Golden, Colorado. [15]
  • Daniel starts posting odd things. He says that he is supposedly in danger, as the FBI is supposedly framing him and Grace. [16]
    • He then says that the FBI and Secret Service told him that Grace wasn't real, so he "breaks up" with her, and so she decided to date Jacob Sartorius. Supposedly, everyone was panicking and she wanted to be back with Daniel. [17]
    • He decides to delay housing until 2025 as Grace broke up with him. He wants to figure out how to pay $3,000,000 (3M) a year for security and bodyguards. [18]
    • Then, he says that he lied to Bob, and as a result, Bob is trying to get Grace arrested for "misinformation" that Daniel had given to him, in order to protect her and his career. (this was posted the next day)[19]
  • Daniel uploads leaked "calls" between a fake Grace and Interscope Records. He apparently gets fired from LBI Entertainment, and breaks up with her. [20]
  • Daniel uploads a video of an AI-generated Jacob Sartorius roasting Daniel, saying that he has been dating and having sex with Grace while he was in jail, and that she doesn't want to be with Daniel if he's a criminal. [21]


  • Daniel says to get ready for the Subreddit to hit over 100k (100,000) followers by the end of April 2024. [22] He then says that there are new rules and regulations coming soon. [23]
  • Daniel promotes his new Venmo account, asking for donations for music. [24]
    • He then gets worried that someone will notify law enforcement on him for trying to get the Venmo account to work properly while he has other bills to pay. [25]
    • Then, he says he has to call the customer service to get his account unlocked. [26] He calls, not realizing its Sunday and that it's not open. [27] [28]
  • Daniel tries to cash out his TikTok gifts as he has $150 waiting to be deposited. [29]
    • He sets up a new PayPal to deposit it. [30] Then, the app crashes. [31]
    • His PayPal account gets subsequently banned by trolls. [32]
  • Daniel announces new music coming soon. [33]
  • Daniel says that back in 2021, he would've made $500 an hour if Bob had listened to him and helped him contact the real Tina VanderWaal, and then says the same year he was making that amount on Cash App and Venmo. [34]
  • Someone takes a picture of Daniel from across the street. [35]
  • Daniel looks for a hotel room. [36] He buys dinner to take there, and squares it away. [37][38]
  • Daniel asks who John Bull is at Interscope Records. [39]
  • Daniel says he needs to make $250 by tomorrow to pay for his food today. [40]
  • Daniel lies to Bob about leaving his debit card at the restaurant for fear that Bob would not understand him or not know what was going on. [41]
  • Daniel leaves his Colorado State ID at the restaurant as he couldn't get a hold of Bob before the blizzard comes. [42]


  • Daniel warns his viewers to "prepare financially" for an imminent financial crash. [43]
  • Daniel needs new socks and shoes, again. [44]
  • Daniel says that he needs to get ready to pay his $60 phone bill [45]
  • Daniel announces all new content coming for April [46]
  • Daniel has a meltdown on TikTok live, threatening to bomb the FBI [47], and running away from several teenagers. [48] He also threatens to bomb Tina and Grace, blaming them for something. [49] This livestream ultimately ends up being shut down by TikTok, as well as Daniel being suspended, due to his threats. [50] He then uploads these snippets of the meltdown in its minor phase:
    • Daniel says that the FBI supposedly turned off his livestream, so he can't report what was going on. He was also apparently being followed [51]
    • Daniel says that he is being followed by a group of teenagers that attend CU University [52]
    • Daniel says that the FBI and Secret Service are trying to do something, but he never says it as he begins running. [53]
    • Daniel starts running and saying "Shots fired" although it is unclear, as he put an audio of Pop Smoke over it. [54]
  • Daniel's TikTok, daniellarsonfree2024, goes public.
  • Daniel says that he will be releasing new music this summer. [55]
  • Daniel says that he has been paying for meals for the past year, but thinks that people still thinks he dines and dashes. [56]


  • Daniel was able to get 4 bags of groceries with help of Boulder County Probation, but needs a stove and/or microwave. [57]
  • Daniel went live on YouTube claiming to be going on vacation for a day. When asked in the comments, he said he was going camping, and then later claimed “It’s not camping”. [58]



  • Daniel gets moved into the Jefferson County Jail.


  • Daniel goes live on YouTube one last time, on a bus. [59]
  • Daniel is arrested after having a warrant for being a fugitive of justice. He is being held at a bond of $1,000.


  • Daniel gets suspended from the homeless shelter for 45 days (until May) after a conflict with Dylan, he is back on the streets. [60]
  • Daniel posts threats from Discord toward him, including Maddy Boyce's. [61] [62]
  • Daniel goes back to the probation office's phone and leaves a voicemail to Joe regarding the situation at the homeless shelter, such as Dylan trying to get him permanently banned. [63]


  • A wanted poster was created for Madison Boyce. [64]
  • Daniel says he was on the phone with his "Cyber Security team" discussing that Dylan Clark was being impersonated. [65] Daniel says that his security team said that Dylan Clarks discord account is MIA. [66] This is not true.
  • Daniel points out that there is three Clarks in his life. [67]
  • Daniel has a meeting with his case manager for housing services tomorrow. [68] He also says that the homeless shelter told him to private his TikTok in the comments.
  • Daniel goes live on YouTube for an update. However, he doesn't say anything. [69]
  • Daniel announces a fan meetup at Pearl Street Mall at 4pm. [70] However, a troll attacks him and he goes live afterward, visibly agitated. He says that he saw a middle schooler at the meetup that wanted a photo, however Daniel didn't believe he had $20 and turns him down. Then as he was walking to the mall from the Boulder County library, trolls tried to dump soda on him. He says that it's not fair when people take pictures of him behind his back due to security issues, and that he is upset with Grace for not answering his calls. He then complains about having to keep his phone charged, and mentions that last night, he was followed by a car and got pictures taken of him while he was walking down the street. [71]
  • Daniel gets kicked out of and trespassed by IHOP.
  • Daniel gets water poured on him by a troll.


  • Daniel's TikTok, daniellarsonfree2024, goes public again. However, it goes private again after 5 hours.
  • Daniel is back in contact with Bob. He uploads a screenshot of his texts between him, calling him a liar. [72]
    • He then says that Bob is lying to Daniel, the VanderWaals, and his work, posting a comment supposedly from Bob saying that he will not be supporting Daniel financially anymore on his YouTube. [73]
    • Daniel then says that Bob needs to stop being two-faced. [74]
    • He then tells people that Bob does not use social media, and if there are accounts with his name, they are trolls. [75]
  • Daniel warns people at his location to stop taking pictures of him and leaking his location and has told the FBI.[76]
  • Daniel says that Grace is signing him up with her record label as an "entertainment ambassador" for the company. [77]
  • Daniel says that last night, a group of people at his homeless shelter were leaking his location, attempting to get him kicked out. He says that there will be trouble if he gets kicked out, as his probation will be notified and can get reinvoked, which could escalate into severe consequences. [78]
  • Daniel is confused as to why people get upset when he leaks his location, saying that if they leak it before he does, he's trying to get himself heard. [79]
  • Daniel thanks CU University for helping out at the homeless shelter and providing food last night. [80]
  • Daniel says that two people were taking pictures of him at the shelter, sending him strange messages and threatening him. [81]
  • Daniel finds it crazy that people who are not homeless can still stay at the homeless shelter, saying it shouldn't be allowed. [82]
  • Daniel is going to try to speak to his case manager as the shelter is kicking him out soon. [83]
  • Daniel uploads a picture after the snowstorm. [84]
  • Daniel eats macaroni & cheese with garlic toast for lunch at Noodles & Company. [85] He then uploads a selfie there. [86]
  • Daniel says that he has two weeks of nothing planned. [87] He then says that there's nothing wrong with business moving too quickly. [88] He then says "Get ready for a level up" [89]
  • Daniel is ahead of schedule, so he says he's going to see if he can make some extra cash. [90]
  • Daniel says that Bob and his management had ghosted, and that he was banned from two restaurants because they knew of him and his past problems, despite him willing to pay. [91]
  • Daniel says that he is in danger because the stocks and economy are down, but his YouTube views are up. [92] He then tells his viewers to get ready for "all-time high views" [93]
  • Daniel announces a fan meetup at 29th Street Mall in Boulder, at 3:00 pm. [94] However, he goes to Pearl Street Mall and charges $20/picture. [95]
    • Daniel cancels all late-night parties and fan meetups due to housing issues. [96]
  • Daniel says he needs to pay his phone bill in April. [97]
  • Daniel has a meeting for housing services on Sunday. [98]


  • Daniel goes live on the bus. [99]
  • Daniel posts a TikTok, warning, "Get ready, because it's about to strike without notice." [100]
  • Daniel lets everyone know he is safe and in transitional housing for the next month. [101]
  • Daniel's meeting with his case manager is delayed. [102]
  • Daniel's work schedule changes, meaning he can no longer do livestreams after 4:30. [103]
  • Daniel says that he needs $75 within 48 hours to pay his monthly phone bill. [104]
  • Daniel says that he needs $2,000 by the 27th for court fees. [105] He posts another video saying the same thing, asking people to help him out. [106]
  • Daniel walks through a puddle, ignoring the text alert for more snow. He ends up soaking his pants, socks and shoes. [107]
  • Daniel's TikTok, daniellarsonfree2024, goes private.


  • Daniel goes live on his way to the "recording studio" [108]
  • Daniel says that he cannot leave Colorado until 2026.
  • Daniel gets banned from Amtrak due to leaving Colorado on probation, and banned for life from Denver International Airport. He also says that his probation is getting stricter.
  • Daniel uploads a picture of heavy snow. [109]
  • Daniel's Webull application gets denied. [110]
  • Daniel gets pepperoni and pineapple pizza. [111]


  • Daniel goes live on YouTube four times, one stream "looking for gold" [112], going to the bank [113], to "work" [114], and to his probation. [115]
  • Daniel posts pictures on a bus of a tree [116] a landmark [117], and a selfie of himself. [118]
  • Daniel gets pizza for lunch[119]
  • Daniel gets dinner at Noodles & Company, which appears to be macaroni and cheese. [120]


  • Daniel goes live on YouTube while on his way to Boulder for breakfast. [121]
  • Daniel uploads pictures of his lunch, which appear to be Italian food. One picture is chicken parm with spaghetti and garlic toast [122], and the other being cheese nachos with sour cream and guacamole. [123]
  • Daniel uploads a picture of himself with a fan [124]
  • Daniel gets his paycheck from Interscope Records [125], but it turns out to be a welcome letter from Grace to her family and $5. [126]
  • Daniel says that Grace is apparently with Tina in Colorado, looking at houses. [127]
  • Daniel says that "they" can't process people as an employee unless they paid some amount to them, so the accounts team can verify. [128] [129] This message was supposedly from Grace.
  • Daniel looks for a hotel room. [130] He gets one. [131]


  • Daniel goes live on YouTube, on a train. [132]
  • Daniel goes to check in on his probation [133]
  • Daniel announces a fan meetup at the 29th Street Mall from 4pm-6pm. He says that he is charging for $20 for more than one photo, as well as an additional $20 for an autograph. [134] However, nobody shows up.
  • Daniel uploads a video of a police officer walking, apparently shots were heard. [135]
  • Daniel uploads a bunch of captions, stating that he got in trouble for talking about being shot at to Bob (whom he later posts should be taking it more seriously) [136] , supposedly receiving death threats over Joe Biden against TikTok [137], and saying that Dexter is coming to Denver the next day to give him his Interscope records payment. [138] Then, he posts two more captions saying "I don't know what to do tonight" and "My fans lie about everything" [139]
  • Daniel tries to get a safe location for the night [140], but ends up sleeping on the streets. [141]
  • Clark tells Daniel to get some dinner even if he doesn't have money, as safety is first. [142]
  • Daniel posts a sticky note saying "I WROTE THIS WITH MY BLOOD BITCH! (despite it clearly being a pen) YOU & DANIEL ARE DEAD MEAT - from Maddy Boyce.", supposedly sent to Grace. This causes Daniel to panic. [143] Earlier, he posted another similar sticky note to his YouTube Community tab, saying the note was sent to Grace's house. The note threatened to kill Grace and told Daniel to watch out, also from the same person.


  • Daniel uploads a shirtless headshot picture of himself, claiming to be "modelling" for Denver Fashion Week. [144]
  • Daniel shows off his new socks. [145]
  • Daniel asks if anyone is attending the 2024 Oscars. [146]
  • Daniel uploads a poster that Grace VanderWaal will apparently be performing at the Madison Square Garden on June 8, 2024.[147]
  • Daniel says that the VanderWaals and himself are supposedly filing a lawsuit against "Larsoncoin" for likeness theft and generating profit from it. [148]
  • Daniel shows off his new jacket [149]


  • Daniel goes to a furniture store to look for furniture for his apartment. He uploads pictures of the furniture. [150]
  • Daniel finally gets a haircut [151]
  • Daniel goes live on TikTok, showing off his new haircut and talking about where he has been.
  • Daniel goes live on YouTube, sleeping. This lasts until the next morning. [152]


  • Daniel's probation gets canceled. [153]
  • Daniel gets a hotel room for the whole weekend.


  • Daniel goes to his probation meeting early in the morning. [154]
  • Daniel announces a fan meetup at noon in Boulder. [155]
  • Daniel uploads pictures of his meals after getting released from the Noodles & Company [156] He then uploads a picture of himself on a train. [157]
  • Daniel uploads a video of security at a train station. [158]
  • Daniel goes live on TikTok. He walks around Boulder, talking about his probation meeting being better than expected, how he might be possibly getting housing during his probation, his financial situation and how he's going to generate income through livestreams. He also does a meet-and-greet, and says that he has another probation meeting on the 22nd.


  • Daniel gets kicked out of a restaurant and refused service despite having money. [159] He tries other restaurants, which also deny service.
  • Daniel takes a selfie outside of Dick Sporting Goods,[160] H&M,[161] a water fountain, [162] and on a bus. [163]
  • Daniel stays at the Hotel Indigo. [164]


  • Daniel makes a call on the same landline to be let in for his probation. He then goes to get lunch, which is pesto pizza [165] After that, he goes to the same landline and leaves a voicemail about booking another session. [166]
  • Daniel uploads a video of himself walking in Boulder. [167]
  • Daniel cancels his bank and haircut trips.
  • Daniel goes live on TikTok. He is considering booking a week at the hotel and says that he cannot stay homeless, otherwise he will face more jail time. He also plans to get an apartment by the end of the month.
  • Daniel looks for a hotel room and eventually gets one.
  • Daniel Starts to respond to Youtube Comments.


  • Daniel has a probation meeting this morning.
  • Daniel rides the bus. [168]
  • Daniel pays $88 for a fare train ticket. [169]
  • Daniel eats lunch at Noodles & Company and has pasta with chicken. [170] He spent $40. [171]
  • Daniel picks up a landline, after 38 seconds of silence he leaves a voicemail "Hello Joe Kriel, this is Daniel Larson. I just wanted to let you know that I am at the probation office, and that I am trying to schedule an appointment. Please give me a uh, call when I message you on my other phone. Thank you" [172]
  • Daniel gets a hotel room. [173]


  • Daniel says that he got a hotel room last night. [174]
  • Daniel makes a post that he needs to figure out another hotel room, [175] that he needs new clothes and that he needs to get a haircut. [176] However, he doesn't get a hotel room.
  • Daniel got his probation reinstated for another year in Boulder County. [177]
  • Daniel posts a picture of himself on a train, possibly heading to Denver International Airport, counting the below video's comments. [178]
  • Daniel asks his viewers to stop calling Nickel Play bar in Boulder. He also says "Get ready for everything to skyrocket" in the comments, that he apparently got robbed, and that Bob needs to call Tina. He also has probation the next morning [179]
  • Daniel watches Bob Marley: One Love in theaters.[180]
  • Daniel posts on his YouTube Community page that he was allegedly raped in jail.


  • Daniel creates a new TikTok account, daniellarsonfree2024. He makes his first post for the first time in a month, telling his viewers to check out his new TikTok. [181]
  • Daniel confirms he got released from the Boulder County Jail [182]. After being released, he bought a new phone with his "music distribution sales." [183]
  • Daniel creates a new YouTube account, Daniel Larson free 2024
  • Daniel says his debit card has been locked, as he hasn't used it in a month. [184] He says he needs to go to the bank on either Monday or Tuesday to resolve this. [185]
  • Daniel says that he is still financially on schedule for the apartment, despite being in jail for a month. [186]
  • Daniels says that he is working on getting a hotel room [187]


  • Daniel has another court hearing. He is sentenced to one year of probation and released.


*Note: Certain days are unavailable due to Daniel's lack of presence online due to his arrest and incarceration this month.


  • Body camera footage from the 7/11 incident is released to the public. [188]


  • Daniel video calls Clark from jail once again. Daniel hoped that he would be out by that Friday (23rd), talks about his future with Grace, and tells the Reddit to help bail him out, thanks Grace for supposedly being there for him, and Clark talks about his own arrest, as well as Gavin's. Clark also gives Daniel some advice.


  • Daniel has a court hearing. His bond is subsequently lowered to $5,000, and he is subsequently moved to Boulder County Jail.



  • Body camera footage from Daniel’s arrest is released to the public. [189]
  • Daniel calls Flexburger from Jail. Flexburger informs Daniel about Toby Keith's passing. Daniel mentions that everybody has been very kind to him in jail and that he has been getting some help. During the discussion Flexburger and Daniel expects to be out maximum four months.


  • Daniel Larson is arrested for fleeing the state of Colorado to avoid prosecution, in his case to avoid his probation. His bond is set for $20,000.


  • Daniel eats skittles. [190]
  • Daniel says he needs new shoes. [191] Daniel says that the sole of his right shoe broke, and that he has to cancel his phone bill and get "emergency shoes". [192]
  • Daniel is going on a hike to a place he hasn't been in three years. [193] Daniel then walks to a place where he used to live and mentioned when he used to do marathons and a 5k races. [194]



  • Daniel says he is facing a plea deal of one year in County Jail for probation violations. [195]
  • Daniel says that snow is on the way in Colorado. [196]
  • Daniel admits to dine and dashing, and revealed that he has robbed around 50,000 dollars. [197] Daniel then confesses to dining and dashing almost everyday, three times a day for the past four years. [198].
  • Daniel owes Denny's 50 dollars. [199]
  • Daniel owes IHOP 30 dollars. [200]
  • Daniel says he might have to walk outside barefoot due to his shoes falling apart [201].
  • Daniel says he needs to pay for his "storage unit", and that he has been paying $200 for the last 3 months on it [202].
  • Daniel says he was supposed to get a $5,000 check from social media. [203]
  • Daniel announces he's doing a fan meetup at the Aurora Mall. [204]
  • Daniel uploads pictures of black smoke, likely from a fire. [205][206]


  • Daniel's TikTok, daniellarsonwork2024, goes private again, then later made public.
  • Daniel claims to have learned about the Roman Empire [207] in college. Despite Daniel not being enrolled in actual classes, he uploads pictures which are obviously fake considering there is no validity to any of the lessons. One of the pictures stating "Julius Caesar invented the Caesar Salad" [208]
  • Daniel uploads a picture of one of the slideshows, which was a nude drawing of a man from ancient Rome. The TikTok slideshow was deleted by TikTok.


  • Daniel posts a picture of his family. [209]
  • Daniel posts a picture of Clark, who is Daniel's Manager.
  • Daniel announces that he created a backup TikTok account, 'daniellarsonbackupwork'. [210]


  • Daniel says that "everyone is selling Bitcoin and stocks like crazy right now". [211]
  • Daniel claims to about to "stall all production for 24 hours". [212]
  • Daniel says he went out and got socks, while holding up a pack of socks and thanks everybody for the donations. [213][214]
  • Daniel schedules a fan meetup at the Aurora Mall from noon to one past noon. [215] Daniel shows up to the mall to realize that it's closed. [216]
  • Daniel mentions he will not follow random people, but people only for security. [217]
  • Daniel promises an apartment for February of 2024. [218][219]
  • Daniel eats Lo Mein and Orange Chicken from Panda Express. [220] He then states he had to throw half it out because he was spotted. [221]


  • Daniel claims to have got a hotel room in Denver for 7 nights. [222]
  • Daniel claims to have lost his Colorado ID. [223]


  • Daniel gets kicked out of the Aurora Hospital for trespassing.
  • Daniel goes live on TikTok, walking around and saying that he will commit a mass shooting at the Aurora Hospital and He will shoot and bomb Bob. Then he got banned on the TikTok live and fans called it a Code Doomsday.
  • Daniel’s TikTok Account is still active, with him making numerous posts about the economy and claiming to have made 10 new backup TikTok Accounts.


  • Daniel goes live on TikTok, walking around a mall and at one point entering a bookstore.
  • Daniel claims to have been in the Aurora hospital last night (24th). [224]
  • Daniel, inside of a public building says "Oh my god, I got f***ing attacked... Oh my god... I'm being f***ing followed", Daniel is visibly panting, and later states it was a stolen perfume bottle [225] covering his face and hoodie. [226][227] Daniel claims that it was a troll from CU University. [228]
  • Daniel claims his $200 dollar headphones were stolen from him. [229]
  • Daniel claims that a "cup of pee" was thrown at him [230].
  • Daniel uploads a TikTok of police officers inside of a store [231], Daniel says that the Mall police, and security are looking for the person who assaulted him [232].


  • Daniel goes live on TikTok around noon for about two hours. Gaining over 100,000 likes and at one point 4,000 viewers. During most of the live, Daniel is walking around with the camera facing towards him, outside. At one point Daniel is audibly laughing and running around. Allegedly, Daniel brought up alcoholic beverages and mentioned that he enjoys margaritas and Bud Light, but that Coors Light tastes "too much like tumbleweeds".
  • Daniel claims that the bull market that is going to happen in 2024, is bigger than "what happened" in 2020 [233].
  • Daniel learns about the alleged First King of Texas "Ishid Anfarded" in history class.[234] It is clear that Daniel is not taking actual college courses considering Texas, United States, is not ancient and there has never been a king.


  • A warrant was issued out for Daniel's arrest due to him showing up to court, and not paying for his failed court appearance fine [235].
  • Daniel goes back to the Aurora Mall, charging $20 for unlimited pictures [236].
  • Daniel goes to a restaurant and eats French Fries and chicken tenders [237], and soft pretzel sticks with cheese [238].
  • Daniel plans to drop two rap songs dropping in March, 2024 [239]. Daniel warns the viewer to not drop a song the same day he drops his music, or else you will be "wiped out financially" [240]
  • Daniel is pictured in the Aurora Mall with three males [241].


  • 'Daniellarsonwork2024' is no longer private.
  • Daniel claims to have started college yesterday (22nd) [1], he also explains that he studied how "... emotions play a role in the entertainment industry when creating movies or making music" [242].


  • Daniel says he goes to the bank for a deposit [243], he then realizes because it's Sunday, the banks are closed [244].
  • Daniel says he almost got ran over by a car, and then chuckled. He then said he was an idiot [245].
  • Daniel says he's going to get a haircut today, despite saying the same thing for the past 2 weeks [246].
  • Daniel claims he has to pay $500 for missing his mental health evaluations [247].
  • Daniel goes to the Aurora Mall in Colorado [248], and offers fans to pay $20 cash for pictures [249].


  • Daniel says Clark doesn't work for Clark and Associates because "he won't tell me his full name." [250].
  • Daniel says that Clark wants Daniel to go to UCLA [251].
  • Daniel claims to have gotten a hotel room [252].


  • Daniel continues posting slideshows about things such as Grace VanderWaal or about law enforcement [253].


  • Between the 17th, and 18th (today and yesterday), Daniel posts 216 slideshows, with all captions ranging from what he just did such as getting breakfast, or plans he has or financial obligations.
  • Daniel posts two slideshows of him smiling which appears to be in the same motel room he says he got [254][255].
  • Daniel says that his probation officer told him that "... i am banned from attending cu university...", this is notable considering Daniel mentioned he has plans to go back to college [256].


  • 'Daniellarsonwork2024' goes private again.
  • Daniel posts tons of slideshows with captions such as "I'm updating my security policy" [257], or "stop asking for Bob's and my location." [258].


  • 'Daniellarsonwork2024' is no longer private.
  • Daniel claims to have $400 in his bank account [259].
  • Daniel says his week vacation with Bob just ended [260].
  • Daniel says that Bob want's him to get a new job, despite Daniel being unemployed [261].
  • Daniel claims that his finances are "about to crash" [262].
  • Daniel requests help from Bob since he is in danger [263].
  • Daniel goes on what appears to be a bus. It's the first appearance [264] of him wearing a Turtle Beach wireless headset [265][266].
  • Daniel claims to have no warrants while being in Boulder County, Colorado [267].
  • Daniel says that Grace VanderWaal lied to Daniel about being in the hospital for drug usage.


  • Daniel wishes Grace VanderWaal happy birthday.
  • Daniel claims to have been spoken to investigators about the r/daniellarson subreddit of a deepfake of Bob Proctor. [268]


  • Daniels TikTok remains private.
  • Daniel says that Bob gave him 1,000 dollars.
  • Daniel says he is working on releasing four songs by July, 2024.


  • Daniel says he's $500 dollars in debt [269]. He says he's out of money for the month because Bob Proctor is unable to help because he is unemployed[270][271].
  • Daniel claims he is starting on production for his first music album [272].
  • Daniel's TikTok, 'Daniellarsonwork2024' goes private [273].


  • Daniel denies that he does not have court today, and discusses that he doesn't have to go for probation [274], despite their being a court date for today. He claims its fake information unless he has "paperwork" [275].
  • Daniel says thank you for his music sales because he was able to get a hotel room for the night in Denver [276].
  • Daniel claims the stock market is going to go into a flash crash [277].
  • Daniel stays another night at Motel 6 [278].
  • Daniel eats Parmesan Bites, Pepperoni Flatbread, and Pizza with green bell peppers and mushrooms [279].


  • Daniel posts 41 TikTok's today primarily discussing his finances and legal troubles.
  • Daniel says he got a hotel room for one week, and paid $600 [280].
  • Daniel states he start's in one and a half month for college [281].
  • Daniel confirms he was arrested at the Denver International Airport [282].
  • Daniel is sick, but says he's okay [283].
  • Daniel says the Denver police department told Daniel that he is under investigation [284]. Daniel says the Denver County PD is trying to frame him [285].
  • Daniel states that due to being arrested he missed probation in "all" counties.[286] Including Jefferson, [287] Westminster, [288] and Boulder County[289].
  • Daniel states that according to his probation officer, he must have housing by April 2024 or else his probation will be revoked. He was also told that Bob can not be an excuse. [290]
  • Daniel says the Denver PD is aware of Daniel's warrants in California, and Manhattan, New York.
  • Daniel says he got in trouble by Denver Police for not having his Christmas Album released [291].
  • Daniel believes that World War III has begun in the Red Sea [292].
  • Daniel claims he's going to release three albums in 2024 [293] [294].
  • Daniel makes a video to announce that he is now on famous "birfdays".
  • Daniel confirms his birthday is November 15th, 1998 [295].
  • Daniel says the chance of him to go missing is at an "all time high" [296].


  • Daniel says he cleared his debt [297].
  • Daniel travels on a bus and posts multiple pictures [298], one of them being a picture of a person in a blue coat through the window of the bus [299].


  • Around 4:00 MST, Daniel goes live on TikTok. There is not much footage regarding this incident, making it unclear what happened; however Daniel was at Canvas Credit Union at DIA. It's unclear why he was there, but during the livestream the officer, along with the Operations Manager for what appears to be Airport Security threatened to trespass Daniel. It was mentioned that Daniel does indeed have five warrants[300].
  • At around the same time, YouTuber Kusari premieres 'The Daniel Larson Documentary - Part 3'. Before the release of the video, Daniel replied to a commenter on his YouTube page stating that he believed Kusari was a troll and a threat. The video itself was met with positive reception among fans and viewers.


  • Daniel states that he created a new YouTube channel named "Daniel larson work 2024" [301].
  • Aberrantly, Daniel's production of TikTok's drastically decreased, it is not clear why.
  • Daniel goes out to eat [302][303].
  • Daniel posts multiple slideshows on TikTok of bank information, one of the accounts being $-1,017.00 [304], a record of Daniel spending $952.00[305], and Daniel saving $5.00 [306].
  • Daniel goes to a hotel, and uploads a YouTube short of him telling a person walking away, which appears to be hotel staff ".. If you don't get the documentation proving that I'm trespassed, it's all fake." [307]. [308]


  • Daniel says he called the police on the Black Nissan Altima that's been following him [309]. He then says that Clark has a Nissan Altima [310]. He says that one of the drivers of the Black Nissan is "college student age possibly from CU, Boulder" [311].


  • Daniel creates a new TikTok account, with the username of 'daniellarsonwork2024'.
  • Daniel claims to be attacked last night and was in a car accident, he also claims his phone was stolen [312] and that he had to buy a new one [313]. It is likely that he does not know the password to daniellarsonwork24, therefore he had to create a new account. In another video comments he stated he "lost access to all of my other accounts" [314]. Daniel says he is trying to gain access to daniellarsonwork24 because there is "six hundred dollars in the TikTok account that is locked right now." [315]. Part of the attack, Daniel claims that his eye was hurt during the attack, where his eye is slightly appearing red [316].
  • Daniel says that he paid four-hundred dollars on a phone, it is unclear how he obtained the money [317].
  • Daniel claims to get a hotel room for the night [318].
  • Daniel says he has 7 different Reddit accounts and that he is reporting everything to his probation officer [319].
  • Daniel says 2024 is going to get "very very scary very very quickly" [320].
  • Daniel claims that he got word from the United States Secret Service that they're investigating Goated mines and that a case has been opened [321].
  • Daniel says that he had to get his fourth phone number this week because it kept getting leaked [322].
  • Daniel says he cannot get dinner because the "vending machine at my current location is down" [323].
  • Daniel says he will be setting up a payment plan for probation on Monday [324].
  • Daniel gives a shout out to everybody going to the Golden Globes tomorrow [325].
  • Daniel says he needs a valentine [326].
  • Daniel says he is growing fifteen thousand followers a day, and that it's been the fastest it's ever been [327].
  • Daniel says that the TikTok account 'daniellarsonlatest' has been stealing his image from him [328].
  • Daniel says that the world reacts on fear, and that it's why war will always happen [329].


  • Daniel asks everybody to stop "texting" him what to post, because his social media is being "monitored by the courts" [330].
  • Daniel says his probation got cancelled today [331].
  • Daniel says he is going to meet Jacob at Target in Boulder, Colorado [332].
  • Daniel says that he is on a 2 year ban from all CU University campuses and says that "the court judge messed that part up." [333].
  • Daniel claims to get breakfast and paid twenty-five dollars [334].
  • Daniel says he's going to go to shopping for clothes with some of his friends in CU, Boulder [335].
  • Daniel goes to Panda Express and eats Orange Chicken and Lo Mein, along with a side of more Orange Chicken and an Eggroll, and fortune cookie [336].
  • Daniel claims to have found the group of people following Daniel and taking pictures of him, then spam calling the locations to get him kicked out of "the locations" [337]. Daniel then records a video of a person walking away, in all black claiming that they're following him, he adds a caption saying "..who scam spam calls everywhere I go getting me trespassed and banned and framing me." [338]
  • Daniel says he takes harassment "very seriously, I don't play around", and that he will call the police if you cause issues [339].
  • Daniel claims that the police showed up, and that the police told Daniel that the people who were filming Daniel were not filming him, taking pictures, and weren't following him, and called Daniel a liar [340].
  • Daniel zooms in on a "black car, or red car" and claims that they screamed at Daniel and said "Fuck you" [341].
  • Earlier in the day, a person recording sprays water on Daniel, it was unclear why this happened but the one recording ran away audibly laughing. It was believed to be prior to the cars following Daniel since it was claimed that it was "2 hours ago" [342]. The only evidence towards this video being today is that Daniel is wearing the same sweater.
  • Daniel uploads a slideshow, containing a picture of what appears to be a young adult male, along with screenshots of Direct Messages between users "MIA" and "hamburgurr" [343], the texts between them appear to be hamburgurr claiming to be "at the apartments behind the shelter" and that "im in this bitch [address revoked]"
  • Daniel then uploads a slideshow of him outside on a sidewalk, which possibly could be him chasing the young adult male from the previous video considering one of the comments were "I almost caught them" [344].
  • Daniel says he was kicked out of the dorm, or shelter, he was staying at for livestreaming [345]. Daniel later claims it was because "fans called in death threats [towards the shelter]" [346][347].
  • In text messages sent to Bob, Daniel claims he got into a 4 vehicle bus crash and that "the discord" was behind it. He also calls Bob a little fucker for not caring.[348]


  • Daniel uploads a picture of him saluting [349].
  • Daniel claims that Bob left his life and betrayed him [350].
  • Daniel found out that two Discord servers are arguing about him [351]; however, it is not stated what servers. He also says that "they're claiming to be management" [352].
  • Daniel says he cannot travel until 2025 because of a travel ban [353], likely part of his probation.
  • Daniel says he Boulder County Probation again tomorrow on the 7th, despite it being the 4th [354].
  • Daniel says to be on the way to his "dorm" [355]. He also says that, part of his probation he must sign up for chores at the dorm [356], he said he signed up for laundry [357].
  • Daniel claims that Boulder, Colorado is more expensive than Denver, Colorado [358].
  • Daniel claims he’s been informed that the person who sent the drones claims to be in contact with Grace VanderWaal. A troll probably told him this, because BumsnDrones has never claimed to be in contact with Grace.[359][360]


  • Daniel says that, "Bob is no longer in my life and apart of my fanbase..." and tells his fans to stop mentioning him.
  • Daniel claims that he now has housing in Boulder, Colorado.
  • Daniel claims to have met Operah.
  • Daniel eats ice cream
  • Daniel gets date wrong, thinks it’s January 2nd, twice.
  • Daniel says he will be getting a haircut the following Saturday (January 6th)
  • Daniel eats meal from Taco Bell, unclear how he obtained the Taco Bell.
  • Daniel goes live on public transport for around 6 minutes filming outside the window and doesn’t say a word.
  • An interview within the Daniel Larson Wiki Discord occurs, where user miaxwolf takes questions and relays them to Daniel Larson.
  • Daniel makes several vague claims that he is planning something for the future, under the comments of a picture he posted of his pasta. Some of the comments are: “get ready for the next media storm coming tomorrow morning”, “get ready for the shift”, “the shift is happening tonight”, and “get ready because it’s going to get a lot more crazy 🤣”, he also left an ominous comment about the economy; stating “another financial crash just happened 😱🤣.” Nobody knows what any of this means.


  • Ski Bri, an Only Fans model, posts on her story that she wants to meet up with Daniel.[361] After finding out more about Daniel she posted an apology to /r/daniellarson[362]
  • Daniel goes live twice, saying he is going “to the probation in boulder county”. He also walks into a tree branch.
  • Daniel does a meet and greet where he charges an insane $50 for photos, and signed a fans chest.


  • Daniel says that he is naming March 1st an international day of donations. It will be known as Carrot Day.
  • Daniel returns to the spot where he dropped his groceries the day before
  • Daniel informs fans via live that he is getting lunch and has to go back to Denver for an, "appointment." He then says he needs to be back in Boulder by the following day.
  • Daniel shows off stack of prop money given to him by a troll, believing it was real. He later discovered it was fake and got mad.
  • Daniel gets mountain dew thrown at him by a troll.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLdh4UhJnK4
  2. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350567883128278314
  3. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350587808056085806
  4. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350590017988791598
  5. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350596573237218603
  6. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7350785456138620202
  7. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7350785671927205162
  8. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7350785797429316910
  9. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7350786239211244846
  10. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7350786239211244846
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx-8M5p9o4A
  12. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7350468058152029482
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac4zGOH1BCg
  14. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rjFLrfIJTxY
  15. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CDBJSb9UkGU
  16. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350544163311553838
  17. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350544745191460139
  18. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350550432831343914
  19. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350553178565512494
  20. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xR96IVOeQhc
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueSIuNCwxgA
  22. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350012458737732907
  23. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350012638564224299
  24. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350036264806141227
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  32. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350044882091691310
  33. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350035951520992554
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  35. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350047759069728042
  36. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350049389219466538
  37. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350057995247602986
  38. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350049255400148266
  39. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350051188269714731
  40. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350058388996459822
  41. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350072386424687914
  42. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7350072630579432747
  43. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rXgTSprli9g
  44. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iP4Pd1mEyV0
  45. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Z4ORA-oAia4
  46. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qtK5PQjF0As
  47. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/1bm8997/daniel_just_threatened_to_kill_the_fbi_or/
  48. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/1bm835r/run_forest_run/
  49. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/1bm7yqj/daniel_making_some_bomb_threats_at_540_his_time/
  50. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/1bm7wr9/daniel_threatened_to_kill_the_fbi_then_got/
  51. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7349724209624419626
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  56. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7349720085260635438
  57. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1wQlINp3R7Q
  58. https://www.youtube.com/live/Ya8CxEdqcKQ?si=-pCOipJTxjOI_d69
  59. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7khQMNw1XI
  60. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyMt0_16nkc
  61. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7XZUGkS2vkk
  62. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ieCC5Kphjt4
  63. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQz6ZsBFjRM
  64. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7347516069956832542?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
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  68. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KMQZNGCFiZY
  69. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3w0uAQwu0U
  70. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lZ6Jfv-qVTI
  71. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp099gXSXUE
  72. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7346794825288568094
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  95. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_Fhj-WxQMC4
  96. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7ZF1XgO5bi4
  97. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7347068307754732831
  98. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KSJrplL3n4o
  99. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSX5nkaMKNc
  100. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7346649867558685983
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  107. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7346733292953079071
  108. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8k1TpEk6lE
  109. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7346322094612909343
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  111. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7346416808381009183
  112. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEi5X1sWkNI
  113. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dSwLiQrWf0
  114. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQHgNgtHLxE
  115. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgnR7Eyinnc
  116. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7345906931556535583
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  121. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcTM2CZ6tkw
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  131. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7345900712645119263
  132. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvPqO_qgHYs
  133. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB3MuqbqA7M
  134. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC9La1YSMPE
  135. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7345255600655306014
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  151. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7344506619973078302
  152. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87rC8MYWSN8
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  164. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YW8uK1vPVao
  165. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7342982077127707934
  166. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/video/7342995198609296670
  167. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wbdG8WhJdGY
  168. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonfree2024/photo/7342510588938997023?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
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  354. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonwork24/video/7320363240783957291?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
  355. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonwork24/video/7320365384371047726?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
  356. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonwork24/video/7320365603456372011?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
  357. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonwork24/video/7320365871187201322?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
  358. https://www.tiktok.com/@daniellarsonwork24/video/7320372257853869354?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
  359. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcHQ23p/
  360. https://www.tiktok.com/@bumsndrones?_t=8illka4KXxm&_r=1
  361. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/18wzn47/what_the_fuck_lol/
  362. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/18wzn47/comment/kg13q44/