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The Daniel Larson story definitely would not have reached the state it is in now without a fair share of enabling from a variety of people. The number of Daniel enablers is almost uncountable, with there seemingly being an endless supply of people willing to support a known elder-abusing pedophile.

Forms of enabling

  • Pedophilia enabling
    • Excusing Daniel's blatant pedophilia in any sort of way, no matter how intensively, is the most harmful form of enabling and should never be given any credit as Daniel is beyond proven to be a pedophile.
  • Financial enabling
    • Not just giving him money, but giving him money without any constraints. He often spends food money on gambling and expensive tech that he will inevitably destroy. Giving him money and not fixing his/
  • "Muh mental illness!" enabling
    • This is a debatable form of enabling, where enablers will excuse every action of Daniel with the defense of "he's disabled!", acting like Daniel is an inanimate and is unable to just be a bad person.
    • Sometimes excusable
  • Behavior enabling
    • This is probably the most common form of enabling and the easiest to fall into, where people either let Daniel's behavior slide or even encourage it (seperate from trolling)

Nancy Shimer

Nancy Shimer is Daniel's grandmother and first known enabler, her doing things like giving Daniel treats in response to him painting on the walls of the house.


Bob Proctor is both an enabler and victim of Daniel's actions. While Bob does not actively encourage his actions with rewards like Nancy, and he does seemingly genuinely care about Daniel, but still passively enables Daniel like how he sent Daniel to California and how he never reported Daniel for assaulting him.


Law enforcement

(see Daniel's Criminal History)

Law enforcement enables Daniel in a less direct way. Daniel should obviously be committed to some sort of asylum or mental hospital for an extended period of time, but instead, time and time again, he's only given fines for his awful and repeated behavior.


Businesses, instead of pressing charges for Daniel's blatant and serial theft in the form of Dine and Dashing, let him off with a ban despite him being blacklisted from a majority of restaurants.

Luckily, the casinos seem to be much less nice to him.


Ox is probably the most prominent enabler, him financially enabling Daniel, excusing his pedophilia and behavior with the mental illness excuse, and defending Daniel from seemingly every and all criticism.

Papa Gut

Papa Gut is prominent enabler and defender of Daniel Larson.

He constantly defends Daniel's poor behavior and has even gone as far as defending his pedophilia by using the excuse of mental illness and manipulation, despite him going out on his own volition to stalk Grace VanderWaal and message minors and him displaying on multiple occasions that he knows it's wrong.

He also uses the weak and somewhat worrying excuses of “They set him up because it was trolls pretending to be 14, not real 14 year olds!” and "Muh wife is a behavioral specialist! Therefore I'm right!"

(someone archive this and re-link it, please)

