Elisabeth Shimer

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Elisabeth Shimer
Notice her distinct lack of eyebrows.
Name: Elisabeth Shimer
Aliases: {{{Knownas}}}
Time Active: {{{timeActive}}}
Alignment: Daniel Larson’s mother
DOB: {{{DOB}}}
Gender: {{{Gender}}}
Race: White
Nationality: American
Height and Weight: {{{HeightnWeight}}}
Parents: Nancy Shimer (1947– 2019), Daniel William Shimer (1943–2015)
Siblings: {{{Siblings}}}
Daniel Larson Signature.png
Arcs Involved: {{{Arcs}}}

Elisabeth Lee Avey (née Shimer) is the ex-lover of Travis Larson, adoptive daughter of Nancy Shimer the mother of Daniel Larson, as well as his late siblings, Joyetta and Olivia Larson.

Though Daniel's father has remained a rather unpopular figure in the Daniel Larson community, the same cannot be said for Elisabeth, who has remained consistently disliked, even by Daniel. However, this should be taken with a grain of salt, as Daniel's definitive opinion on her is not clear, main due to his delusions and other factors in his life. Elisabeth is a very unknown character in the Daniel Larson story, and it is impossible to know if anything she or Daniel says is true.

Elisabeth has been accused of being neglectful and abusive, which is questionably true, although somewhat substantiated due to the fact that Daniel was relocated and sent to the Tennyson Center during his childhood. Despite this fact, Elisabeth has, in turn, accused him and remained adamant that Daniel was the abusive one, hitting her and his grandmother, Nancy Shimer. Despite these constant accusations of abuse, Elisabeth’s behaviors seem to have rubbed off onto Daniel during his childhood, as much like her son, she too has an interest in music.

There are also extremely tenuous claims that Elisabeth had possibly sexuality assaulted Daniel when he was a young child, which may have kicked off his pedophilia, if ever found to be true This claim comes from question Daniel asked on his Quora page "Has your mother ever given you a hand job as a kid?" as well as a testimony from a person claiming to be a caretaker of Daniel's, claiming he has "history of child sexual abuse (to him and by him)." Although it’s called into question as to what this means.

Nonetheless, after Nancy's death, Elisabeth wished to keep absolutely no contact with Daniel, presumably having put a restraining order on him along with Travis. This is most likely due to the physical assault she had endured, although the claim of this restraining order on him has yet to be confirmed.


Not much is known about Elisabeth's early life, but what information can be found will be pieced together to form a somewhat consistent timeline of events.

Elisabeth is the adoptive daughter of Nancy Shimer, who had presumably adopted her through connections from her job as a social worker. Elisabeth was presumably adopted prior to Nancy's divorce, although her relationship with Nancy's biological children is unknown.

It is speculated that Elisabeth possibly has the same mental disabilities Daniel suffers from, or is at least somewhat mentally challenged. These claims mostly come from her appearance, which is generally not seen in able-bodied individuals. This is very much possible, as disabilities such as autism is a genetic disorder, with a very high heritability rate.

Daniel's mother grieving the deaths of Joyetta and Olivia.

In 1990, Elisabeth enrolled in YPIA (Young Peoples Institute of Arts and Academics), where she graduated in 1993.[1][2] From 1995 until 2004, Elisabeth was enrolled in Antelope Valley College and graduated in Music and performing Arts.[3][4] Not long after, Elisabeth would meet Travis Larson, who, in 1998, Elisabeth, would conceive Daniel, and give birth to him on November 15th of that year.

Elisabeth's post to Facebook following her moving.

Later on, in 2001, Elisabeth would conceive children with Travis once more, this time being twins. She'd soon give birth to Daniels siblings, being the twin girls, Joyetta and Olivia Larson, though the twins passed away the following day from RH incompatibility.[5]

Elisabeth's post disavowing Travis in favor of getting Daniel back into her life.

Elisabeth would move to Colorado in 2009[6], when Daniel was 11. Although during this year, she had no custody of him as Daniel was living in the Tennyson Center. While the reason stated for Daniel being taken away was due to neglect and abuse, it is unconfirmed as to what exactly both Elisabeth and Travis did to him.

Daniel has stated that his mother “couldn’t take care of him anymore,” and given the fact that Elisabeth was disabled and in a wheelchair, it is very likely that her disability impacted her ability and to care for him, although, It’s hard to tell what’s true about Elisabeth and what is not, due to Daniel's delusions and him going back and forth on whether she had abused him or not. This seems likely, though, as before becoming wheelchair bound, Travis and Elisabeth had parted ways, adding an extra factor of difficulty to parenting Daniel.

She’s an indecent woman, she don’t need no man!

A year after her losing custody of Daniel, Elisabeth would go on to found and co-own Avey Incubator Inc in 2010,[7] which sells animal incubators (As of 2024, the business is still running, and the website can be found here). But during this year, Elisabeth would leave Travis, following him telling her that she needed to stay away from Daniel, as he “would not get better”.

This statement is most likely true, considering Travis's view on Daniel, which was revealed in a call conducted by LarsonLeak. Elisabeth after this insisted that she did not need a man in her life after leaving Travis, claiming him to be "..obsessed with sex" and not caring for others feelings, insisting on staying single as she only needed Daniel and God in her life. These posts kicked off a constant theme of not needing a man in her life, although this presumably did not last very long, following her engagement on January 1st, 2011, but to who is unknown.

Elisabeth announcing her engagement.

Something that is interesting to note about Elisabeth is her affinity for singing, which presumably influenced Daniel wanting to pursue a career in singing. On her YouTube account, she'd upload several videos of her singing which were tributes to various people. One of these videos was directed towards Daniel, where she sang "I Won't Give Up", being posted on the 28th of September 2014. But what should be noted is that when this video was uploaded, she had no custody of Daniel. Sometime after Daniel was adopted by her mother, she was soon given access to see him once more, though the exact date is unknown. She had also made a tribute video to Joyetta and Olivia, wherein she sang "Angels", sharing various pictures of them after birth. Elisabeth shows an intense love for both of these children, although by the time the video had been posted, it had been well over a decade after their births, presumably showing more love for them than Daniel.

Elisabeth's tweets about her music "career"

On Elisabeth's Twitter account, she would frequently post about going to a music studio to work on her original songs, although these claims of having a music "career" and having "fans" are obviously untrue.[8] This most likely rubbed off on Daniel, which influenced him to want to start a career in music, although this has yet to be confirmed.

Later life, and poor health

Since Elisabeth was roughly 20 years old, she had been diagnosed with an aggressive form of lupus, which caused her multiple health related issues. Lupus is an incurable genetic autoimmune disease that is found predominantly in women, where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in many parts of the body, causing inflammation, joint damage, organ damage, and brain damage that can cause other disorders.[9]

As of March 10th, 2010, Elisabeth has been put on chemotherapy and immunosuppressants, as well as having a multiple sclerosis scare, which turned out to be her lupus acting up.[10] In 2015, she went into partially assisted living.[See discussion page, do not cite] Elisabeth's health would continue to deteriorate further, where she would consistently post on Facebook about her being in and out of the hospital on a daily basis.

On February 8th, 2016, Elisabeth posted on Facebook that she is paralyzed from the breastbone down, which caused her to be in a wheelchair permanently.[11] This should be remembered, as her being in a wheelchair would not prove to be positive within the coming years.



Not much the early days of their relationship with each other is own. But, according to Facebook posts, their relationship deteriorated when Travis called Daniel a lost cause, before walking out of his life.

Travis left her for another woman not long after Daniel was taken away. Following their breakup, Travis had at least one daughter with his new partner, named Aurora Larson.



Elisabeths relationship with Daniel can be best described as shattered. Elisabeth was known to be abusive and neglectful towards throughout most, if not the entirety of his childhood, resulting in the myriad of mental health issues.

The exact nature of this abuse is unknown, and it is worth noting that it is not officially confirmed if Elisabeth truly did abuse Daniel, as she soon came out about Daniel abusing her she has shifted the blame on to Daniel, painting him as the abuser. She wrote comments on Facebook in the early 2010's about how he loved Daniel, yet when looking at her latest Youtube comments, there is clearly not much love there.

Elisabeth on Daniel

Elisabeth commenting on Papa Gut's video.

In June 2022, Elisabeth would leave multiple comments on two videos by YouTuber/TikTokker Papa Gut, detailing her experiance with Daniel while he was living with both her and his grandmother, although these comments would not become known to the Daniel Larson community until 3 months later, until they were shared on the R/Daniellarson.

Elisabeth's second comment on Papa Guts video.

In the comments, Elisabeth would go into further detail on a number of topics relating to Daniel, including Daniel's various disabilities (beyond autism, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), his history of physical violence against both her and Nancy Shimer, the interpersonal relationship between the three of them. What is interesting to note is that Elisabeth speaks of Daniel going to jail following him physically assaulting both her and his grandmother.

However, it should be noted at this point that the relationship between Daniel and his mother is very strained. It is therefore questionable whether one can believe her comments.

Elisabeth elaborating on her relationship with Nancy.

Following this comment, Elisabeth made her third, and last comment on Papa Guts video, where she elaborated on her relationship with her mother, Nancy Shimer, where she claimed that Nancy had not liked her moving away, which resulted in Nancy spreading lies about Elisabeth. Additionally, Elisabeth reaffirms the claims about Daniel's mental health issues.

Although it is uncertain if Elisabeth can be trusted as a reliable narrator due to her tumultuous history with Daniel, the YouTube account which posted the comments has been verified as belonging to her.

Example of a troll pretending to be his mother

Other Social Media Accounts

While there are various social media accounts that can be verifiably identified as Elisabeth, there are also several TikTok and social media accounts with her name, but none of them have been verified, as most are run by people using her photos to impersonate her. Most of them re-upload videos from her YouTube channel to try and add validity, but some have caught the communities attention by leaving comments on Daniel's videos. But what is important to note is that none of these accounts are real, as most of them have been created very recently and have no information to prove that they are the real, authentic Elisabeth.

When seeing an account claiming to be Elisabeth or any of Daniel's other family members, take it with a grain of salt, as it is mostly likely run by trolls or impersonators.


  1. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdannybob98%2Ftimeline%2Fstory%3Fut%3D32%26wstart%3D-2051193600%26wend%3D2147483647%26hash%3D255484481132561%26pagefilter%3D3%26ustart%3D1
  2. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdannybob98%2Ftimeline%2Fstory%3Fut%3D32%26wstart%3D-2051193600%26wend%3D2147483647%26hash%3D255484481132561%26pagefilter%3D3%26ustart%3D1
  3. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdannybob98%2Ftimeline%2Fstory%3Fut%3D32%26wstart%3D-2051193600%26wend%3D2147483647%26hash%3D255484427799233%26pagefilter%3D3%26ustart%3D1
  4. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdannybob98%2Ftimeline%2Fstory%3Fut%3D32%26wstart%3D-2051193600%26wend%3D2147483647%26hash%3D255484427799233%26pagefilter%3D3%26ustart%3D1
  5. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdannybob98%2Fposts%2Fpfbid0MnyaEcaQ2RWSmKDwvt26jKSZw7xEZRMYiBkFQAV3EENY8vvYHxxfFuLFWcn8FYual
  6. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F100000130337751%2Fposts%2F348916081789400%2F
  7. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdannybob98%2Ftimeline%2Fstory%3Fut%3D32%26wstart%3D-2051193600%26wend%3D2147483647%26hash%3D255484311132578%26pagefilter%3D3%26ustart%3D1
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/comments/12isgoq/now_we_see_where_he_gets_his_musical_career_and/
  9. https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/lupus#:~:text=Lupus%20occurs%20when%20the%20immune,circulating%20blood%20cells%2C%20and%20brain.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdannybob98%2Fposts%2Fpfbid02s8UAJC62RxL7SuCvYSnEcRNePmbR4QnBgTEBvWk7MmQxpxPMXaN4sQ3f1hrpRsA8l
  11. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdannybob98%2Fposts%2Fpfbid0JtMbBhGNdBew78Qi6SyKKBNiPPMESAGtkUhjbrYViPSBdQue765qeJWpVZFK8C5Bl