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=== Fake Bob interaction ===
On December 26, 2023 Daniel falls for a troll pretending to be Bob in his YouTube community comments after the troll apologizes for everything. Most of the conversation is Daniel attempting to get "Bob" to call or text him as well as pleads for help.
File:FakeBobSaysSorry.png||Fake Bob says sorry
File:FakeBobSaysDanielsWelcome.png||Daniel not comfortable just randomly showing up at Bob's
File:FakeBobSaysNotSafeToText.png||Explaining why the Bob impersonator can't text
File:FakeBobSaysNoContact.png||Daniel will be there for Bob

<references />
<references />

Revision as of 22:07, 26 December 2023

Robert Proctor
What Bob Proctor is suspected to look like.png
Bob. Picture taken by Daniel
Name: Robert Proctor
Aliases: Bob, Fuck Ass Bob [2]
Time Active: {{{timeActive}}}
Alignment: Daniel's (Former) Friend
DOB: {{{DOB}}}
Gender: Male
Race: {{{Race}}}
Nationality: {{{Nationality}}}
Height and Weight: {{{HeightnWeight}}}
Parents: {{{Parents}}}
Siblings: {{{Siblings}}}
Daniel Larson Signature.png
Arcs Involved: {{{Arcs}}}

Robert "Bob" Proctor was one of the most important figures in Daniel Larson's life. Bob has been Daniel's mentor, along with being one of Daniel's greatest financial enablers (At least, up until he eventually cut ties with him), and took on the impossible job of aiding Daniel, taking on the full force of his outbursts and rage. Bob is also known for being involved in some of the most infamous incidents in Daniel's life, most notably the December 10th incident.

Bob has served as a patron for Daniel's music career, paying for the production of his most famous song, "Roaring Thunder". Bob has also paid for a multiple of things in Daniel's life, however, Daniel has done nothing but take his generosity for granted by frequently getting into arguments with him, assaulting him, and gambling away and wasting money Bob gives him.


Not much is known about Bob's personal life, however, some of it can be pieced together through what Daniel has said (and claimed) about him. However, it is important to know that one should take Daniel's words with a grain of salt, as he is an extremely unreliable narrator.

According to Daniel, Bob is around 70 years old. This is most likely not true, considering Daniel's claims of Bob still being able to work.



As mentioned before, not much is known about Bob's personal life, much less where he works. According to Daniel, Bob works, or at the very least has worked, in the medical field. While it is unclear if this is where Bob actually works, but considering his age and ability to sponsor Daniel the way he does, it is fair to say that Bob seems to have (or at least, had) a good enough job to be dropping over 1000 dollars on Daniel every month.

While the validity of these claims are unproven, Daniel has claimed that people have called Bob's worked and doxxed him. This is most likely untrue, but this is a very reasonable claim, considering many people have tried to associate themselves with Daniel have been doxxed.

Daniel has also claimed that Bob has a bad reputation at his workplace due to their relationship, and at one point, was threatened with termination if he did not stop communicating with Daniel.[3]

Poor Health/Speculated Cancer


It is speculated that Bob has cancer, although what type of cancer is unknown, and the validity of him having the illness at all is debated extensively. Daniel, in a YouTube comment, claims that Bob was, "...confirmed to not have cancer or if he did he is using that now as a way to manipulate". Daniel, like with many things, likes to go back and forth on whether Bobs cancer is true or not. And the fact he thinks that even if Bob was manipulating him if he truly did have cancer speaks to how much he truly respects Bob.

However, it should be noted that Daniel has a record of saying extremities and various rediculous things to gain attention. But, if this is true, it also confirms that for the majority of their interactions, Daniel has been harassing a man dying of cancer for money and various other items, utterly uncaring of his illness.


Previous Family


Bobs previous family, let alone his relationship, is shrouded in mystery. While it's likely that Bob may have a wife or significant other, they have not made any sort of appearance. However, Daniel had claimed that Bob has a son named Jason, who fought in the army. Daniel has claimed that Jason fought in the Iraq war. There is no proof of this son existing, and even though many trolls have tried to dox Bob, no traces of a wife or any type of extended family related to Bob can be found.

Further, even if Bob had any children, they are likely over 20 years old, and have most definitely moved out by now. If Bob had a wife, she would most likely have made an appearance, put a stop to Bob's relationship with Daniel, or have been referenced by either Bob or Daniel.

" Bob's son Jason is in the army 🪖"


Main Article: Nancy Shimer

While not much is known about their relationship, Daniel's grandmother, Nancy Shimer, developed a friendship with Bob. It is theorized that Nancy and Bob could have had a romantic relationship, however, this claim is unsubstantiated and has yet to be confirmed. Their friendship grew during the time Bob would play board games and spend time with Daniel, so much so that when Nancy was on her inevitable deathbed due to cancer, one of her last wishes was for Bob to take care of Daniel when she wasn't there.

It is also theorized that Nancy put Bob in charge of some sort of bank account or trust fund that she'd left Daniel after she passed. This is speculated as a reason by Bob did not leave Daniel almost immediately after his violent outbursts, although, this is most likely false until further confirmation.


Main Article: Daniel Larson

Bob has been acquainted with Daniel since his formative years, and it is likely that he is the only genuine father figure Daniel has ever had, especially after Daniel's his own father disowned him due to his outbursts and given the alleged abuse Daniel suffered at the hands of Travis.

Daniel and Bob first came into contact through a reading buddy program at the Tennyson Center, a facility Daniel went for schooling and living in his teens, during a time when he was still recovering from abuse from his parents. While living at the Tennyson Center (at the time of an ongoing custody battle), Daniel had the opportunity to attend a reading buddy program once a week. Daniel reports that he and Bob, "...really hit it off," enough that the Tennyson Center permitted them to have a relationship outside their program. Ever since their initial meeting, Bob became a "mentor" to Daniel, although his abilities at mentoring Daniel are debatable.


Despite his alleged profession in the medical field, Bob obviously has no idea how to handle a delusional person such as Daniel. As mentioned in the Caretaker Call (even while considering its questionable validity), while Bob obviously has lots of care for Daniel, he has no idea how to care for a person with as many mental issues as Daniel. This has, obviously, not been in his favor, because as a result of Daniel's schizophrenia and autism, they have had many fights that have resulted in Bob having to call the police to de-escalate the situation. However, one of the most notable incidents between them where they don't have any sort of physical altercation is the Big Dick Muscle Man Incident where Bob refers to American social media personality Jacob Sartorius as "Big Dick Muscle Man", in between Daniel arguing with Bob about the validity of his delusions, and oddly, the size of his own penis.

Despite Bob’s issues with Daniel, he has continued to support him. After Daniel broke his phone during his world tour in Texas, Bob bought Daniel a new one. However, Daniel has remained consistently ungrateful, treating Bob as more of a paypig than a person. Bob has funded many of Daniels endeavors, most notably his career as a singer-songwriter, funding studio sessions to record songs such as Roaring Thunder and Something More.

Prior to this, it was unknown as to how much money Bob was giving Daniel. On November 27th, it was revealed that Bob was giving Daniel nearly 1000 dollars per month, which left him in a position where he only had the income leftover in his retirement account, along with having to figure out how to live while on social security.


July 9, 2022

On July 9, 2022, Daniel posted a series of cryptic videos claiming that he and Bob had gotten into a physical altercation outside a movie theater, which resulted in extensive damage to Bob's car.

Daniel Later claimed that Bob had driven away from Denver and was heading south away from Colorado. He also claimed that Bob was selling his residence in Denver and moving out of the area, the veracity of these claims is debatable. Daniel blamed his fans for the fight, further claiming that people taking photos of them caused the fight, but there is no proof that these claims are true, and the real cause of the incident remains unknown.

After the fight, Daniel posted a TikTok video claiming that Bob was missing. He hadn't heard from him in days, and he once again started blaming the fans for the fight/disappearance. Although it seemed likely that Bob had, at least for the time being, cut off all contact with Daniel and was trying to distance himself from him after the violent incident, this period of isolation did not last long, however.

December 10, 2022

Main article: December 10th Incident

Daniel would end up fighting Bob yet again months later. The cause of the altercation is unknown. Daniel became hysterical in Bob's car, claiming that the motel he had planned to stay at, "...threatened to kill me." This time, the results would be a lot less favorable for Daniel, ending with Bob threatening to call the police if Daniel refused to leave his car after he physically assaulted him. Interestingly, this incident also occurred in a movie theater parking lot. Because of this, Bob would end up flying Daniel out to Los Angeles, the reason for this still being unknown.

August 31st, 2023

On August 31st, 2023, Daniel and Bob had a fight in the car. After the fight, Bob pushed Daniel out of his car and accidentally ran over Dan's toes as he sped off. Daniel calls Bob a "fucker!" as he leaves, as well as the n word. In a video posted later, Daniel explains that he and Bob have "temporarily" cut ties. [1]

Alleged Death

"May Robert rest peacefully now. He is survived by his son Jason Proctor and his friend Daniel Larson"

On December 11, 2023, a troll pretending to be a nurse under the name Lucy commented in the community tab under Daniel's account that Bob had suffered a heart attack and died at 2:03 AM.[5] Daniel seemed to believe this for the most part. In his "grief", Daniel had also posted a memorial of Bob on his community tab.[6]

Despite this being the first instance of Daniel calling him a godfather, just like his grandmother, Daniel obviously did not care very much about the supposed passing of his friend. Bob, if anything, was nothing more than a wallet to Daniel, who was there to give him money and nothing more.

The End?

From late November 2023, Bob appears to have permanently cut off Daniel following years of abusive behavior from him.

Christmas 2023

[See Christmas Day Meltdown]

On December 25, 2023, (On Christmas, of all days) Daniel, "wishing to take bob out to dinner"[7] called a wellness check on Bob, the officer confirmed to Daniel that Bob was, in fact, still alive and not dead. [8]

Bob is "on sight"

Later, Daniel uploaded another video explaining that the officer told him that Bob want's zero contact

Bob is done
Daniel is doing nothing
Zero celebration and on the streets
"How can I give my present to Bob if he isn't meeting up with me for Christmas"

Daniel tried to get Bob to talk to him in various ways but as the night progressed it became more clear that Bob would not give in. Daniel grew angrier at Bob. Partially fueled with how cold it was and being forced on the streets after being trespassed from another motel, Daniel posted many frantic videos that were quickly removed / deleted. The removal of the videos made archival more difficult.

Emotions are being played with
Freezing anger

Fake Bob interaction

On December 26, 2023 Daniel falls for a troll pretending to be Bob in his YouTube community comments after the troll apologizes for everything. Most of the conversation is Daniel attempting to get "Bob" to call or text him as well as pleads for help.
