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Daniel Larson has had an extensive history regarding pedophilia and pedophilic behavior.

While Daniel has been manipulated to do and say inappropriate things by past management and trolls, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Daniel was complicit in much of his inappropriate behavior regarding children. Daniel has a warped view of sexual intercourse, mostly stemming from his stunted sexual development, and the twisted, disjointed way in which he views the world.

Pedophilia has always been a controversial subject in Daniel's history. Daniel has both denied and admitted to his pedophillic activies, usually only doing the latter after having been confronted with hard evidence of his offenses. Despite his several confessions and apologies, revelations about his Pinterest, along his ongoing obsession with Grace Vanderwaal, paint a picture of an extremely disturbed predator who should not be trusted around children.

Daniel's Sexual Deviance and Possible Sexual Trauma

Daniel's skewed understanding of sex led him to exhibit several signs of sexual deviance, such as having various paraphilias, namely being aroused by urine, stool, and general uncleanliness.

Daniel's question on Quora about his mother.
Michelle Lawrence's comment on Facebook.

Certain things can relate directly to pedophilia depending on the reason the individual is attracted to children. In Daniel's case, it could be a kind of response to traumatic events from his childhood, as it is speculated that Daniel's mother sexually assaulted him when he was young. This has been a constant debate since Daniel's Quora page was discovered. There, he asked if it was normal for a mother to sexually stimulate her child. Additionally, during the Dog Arc, a person by the name of Michelle Lawrence claimed to have worked with Daniel during his childhood, presumably during the time in which he was at the Tennyson Center. She claimed that Daniel had, "...a history of child sexual abuse (to him and by him),"[1] which corroborates the claim that Daniel was possibly molested as a child. Many children who are victims of sexual abuse think that the assault is normal, leading many to reenact it later on. However, with the appropriate help, they unlearn such behaviour. It is clear that Daniel has not gone through the recovery process. When one takes into consideration Daniel’s already diminished mental health and stunted development, the allegations against Daniel's mother make a great deal of sense.

Additionally, Daniel was allegedly abused by a person named "Ryan" when he was around 15 years old. One should take these allegations lightly however, as this comes from Daniel himself, who is delusional.

Until there is more evidence to back these disturbing accusations, they should each be treated as such.


On January 16, 2023, Daniel went live after talking with a fake Grace VanderWaal who had convinced him to admit to both being a pedophile, and to having struck Bob Proctor on multiple occasions. User Zealousideal-Hand-2 on r/Daniellarson claimed to have been at least one of the Grace's involved in this admission.[2]

Examples of Pedophilia

There are many examples of Daniel's pedophilia, and while some are debatably tenable considering troll manipulation, some are inexcusable and indefensible.


Daniel has admitted to, or has been manipulated into admitting that he is a pedophile in the past and present on multiple occasions, the video above being what is believed to be the first 'admission' (keep in mind that Daniel has been possibly manipulated into his admissions). Here are some quotes from some of his various admissions:

"I admit... that I am a pedophile..." "...the reason being... is that I... growing up I didn't have anybody that, really, cared about me and I didn't have anybody that supported me."[3]

"In the past, I used to... uhm... use pictures of girls, uhm, and uhm, masturbate to them. Unfortunately, that was over, uhh... that was a long time ago, to be honest... and I am no longer that person, and I reached out for help and uhm, and, it just so happened that, since I gained popularity on the media, uhm, people found out about my past."[4]

"I am sorry, Dave, for looking up CP and for looking up kids wetting the bed... I am so fucking sorry."[5]

While there is the possibility of manipulation, it is only a suspicion rather than an actual fact.

Pinterest account

Daniel has owned a Pinterest account with an innumerable amount of disturbing imagery on it. This includes things like:

There is a possibility that a manager by the name flexburger put these photos on his account, but the sheer number of photos (in the thousands) makes this unlikely.

Kik sting

Several trolls impersonated a 14-year-old girl in order to catfish Daniel Larson on Kik, a messaging app. Daniel's conversations with the 'girl' are, to put it lightly, highly disturbing. Daniel asked extremely disgusting, sexual questions that regarded minors.

(Here is the video. keep in mind, these are uncensored conversations)

Camera roll

Daniel's camera roll (this photo is censored) contained a vast amount of disturbing, and possibly even illegal, pictures of children. Photos of barely-clothed women next to photos of children could indicate that the former may be underrage as well.

Interaction with a real child

A young boy recorded a highly disturbing video of Daniel Larson. Daniel can be seen pouncing on and seemingly trying to kiss a young girl named "Briana".

One could make the argument that they were just playing, however a brief look at Daniel's past, and his actions following this,[6] cast doubt upon that theory.

Reddit Leaks

Several instances showcasing Daniel's pedephillic behavior have been leaked to Reddit. Many of them are cited above, below are two others that were not mentioned. Both are compilations of leaked dms between Daniel and trolls.

Ten pages of proof

May 23rd Leak
