Travel Arc/New York

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Daniel’s new managers, including IWishIHadADad, aided him in purchasing a plane ticket to New York City, New York. Daniel’s motivation for this venture was to meet up with Tina and Grace Vanderwaal, whom he had been told had requested his presence for an investigation. He also wished to meet Grace in person for personal reasons. The news of Daniel's flight spread around, and while he claimed his flight would be taking place on April 4th, the community inferred that it would be happening on the 3rd. It turned out that Daniel's previous statement had been an attempt to throw off the trolls. At around 2:00 PM, Daniel is believed to have passed security. His plane had a transfer at Charlotte Airport in North Carolina. His flight was due to land in Newark, New Jersey, where he planned to take a train from Penn Station into New York City.

Daniel’s plane selfies.

At 7:57 PM, April 3rd, Daniel shared photos of himself inside of an airplane to Daniel Larson HQ. However, the validity of these photos are questionable. The headrests appear different in two of the five pictures, and Daniel looked much cleaner here than he had only a few days prior.

Around noon on April 4th, Daniel uploaded multiple videos confirming his arrival to, "New York". It is unclear if he had meant to say Newark. Daniel uploaded multiple videos of him talking about his number and location being leaked. He posted an unsupported claim that the fire alarms were pulled at the airport as, "an attack", though whether he meant against himself remains unknown. Daniel then uploaded multiple videos from a subway or train car, where he is seen punching and kicking his surroundings while freaking out about his information being leaked. Later, a fan posted a video on TikTok of Daniel in their car, with the caption, "IN THE BIG APPLE". Reddit user u/Specialist_Sand8761 posted photos of himself and Daniel, taking credit for driving Daniel from the airport to Jersey City, where he dropped him off at the train station. The user also revealed that Daniel was actively on the phone with Olivia Vanderwaal, or more accurately, the troll impersonator spawned from the 3 Days War. Specialist_Sand8761 was subsequently attacked on Reddit for having supported Daniel.

Many fans began to spot Daniel, and noted his whereabouts. At around 6:00 PM EST, Daniel was spotted at Exchange Place in Jersey City. He took a train to the World Trade Center and later revealed his location, Beats Karaoke in Brooklyn, to the Olivia Vanderwaal troll.

Throughout the 5th of April, Daniel was continuously spotted and doxxed all over New York City. Some of those locating him however had benevolent intentions. Fans would find and meet up with him, paying for meals, giving gifts, and even paying for a room for him to sleep in on the 4th-5th. On the night of the 5th, the Bodega Incident occurred, in which Daniel was removed from a store after being harassed by “Zocmonkey” on TikTok, which led to an altercation between himself and the store owner. He checked himself into a hospital for a black eye and concussion, but no major injuries were sustained. On April 6th, Daniel announced he was considering leaving New York state and heading to Kansas, as a Grace Vaderwaal troll had informed him that she was there. That same night, Daniel got a motel to sleep in which he claimed had armed security.

Texts messages between Daniel and a troll impersonator of Taylor Swift, in which Daniel exclaims he wishes to kill Michael Quinn.

During Daniel’s time in New York, fans urged him and World of T-Shirts to meet up. Some fans attempted to lure Daniel to Josh’s location, discussing who would win in a fight between the two. Some even got Daniel to visit Michael Quinn’s apartment. Joshua and Daniel were hostile towards each other, making multiple videos denouncing any potential meet up. Michael Quinn threatened Daniel with security forces, and Daniel, in turn, made many TikToks threatening Josh and Michael. Along with him saying he would call the National Guard, Daniel also threatened to kill them with a gun. The gun threat eventually led to the banning of Daniel’s TikTok account. Daniel blamed Michael for ruining his finances, banning his account, and his overall misfortunes.

Following the Bodega Incident, Daniel has a large cut across his nose, which he frequently picks at, causing it to bleed.

Fans joked that Daniel was entering his, “anti-Semitic arc,” after posting two anti-Semitic TikTok videos. In one of these videos, a song from the perspective of Adolf Hitler plays, and in the other, Daniel exclaims, 'Heil Hitler!'. Daniel also posted a video claiming that Joshua Block is Jewish, and that it "explained a lot".

On April 11, Daniel posted multiple videos on TikTok. Fans were able to determine that he was at the American Dream Mall from the background of the videos.

On April 12, Daniel posted on Youtube that he was asked to leave the mall by, "twenty troopers," who took him to a train station. The same day, he ate a pizza, and drank what is believed to be beer. Daniel also asked for donations as his, "...financials are [not] looking too good". It is safe to assume that he didn't have enough money to cover his tab. Later that day, he could be seen visiting the Borough of Manhattan Community College.

There was a decent stretch of time where no notable events happened while Daniel was in New York, he mostly spent his day going live and asking for donations. However on April 24, 2023, Daniel went to a hospital to treat his Trench Foot. The next day, April 25, Daniel was supposedly attacked by a woman wielding a machete for not buying her cigarettes.

On May 8, 2023, Daniel and Michael Quinn meet for the first time over lunch, which leads to Daniel and World Of T-Shirts meeting on May 10th.

On May 17, 2023, Daniel needs to catch bus down to Orlando where he planned to "generate income" at Disney World however he misses said bus and a meltdown ensues. During which he destroys his headphones.

On May 18, YouTuber "John Jam" followed Daniel around the One World Trade Center, trolling him.[1] This leads to Daniel getting very upset and distraught.

On May 19, Daniel was tricked into thinking that famous pop star, Justin Bieber, had bought him a ticket to go to Disney World. This, of course, was not true.
