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“ | I have uh.. I have a goal in the end, and I'm not gonna say what it is or anything, but it- it's gonna happen soon, and he's gonna get whats coming. | ” |
“ | I will bomb Clark | ” |
Griffin, better known as Clark or Clark & Associates, is a very notable manager and troll who, under the guise of being a lawyer for the VanderWaal family, became a self-proclaimed "assistant helper" of Daniel's,[2] despite not helping Daniel very much at all.
Clark is a very notable and controversial manager for fueling Daniel's potentially dangerous delusions of being in contact with Grace VanderWaal and her family by getting his associates to role-play as Grace and other famous people,[2] at one point even getting Daniel to think Grace committed suicide, as well as allegedly gatekeeping content of Daniel,[citation needed] leading Daniel into potentially dangerous situations where he could freak out in public such as the Golden Hotel Incident and the Olive Garden Incident, and allegedly financially enabling Daniel by supplying him with cash and gift cards.[3][Unreliable source?][citation needed]
Clark initially found Daniel during the Las Vegas Arc,[2] to which he then "played the long game" until he managed to gain the title of Daniel's manager. His firm's name is watermarked on the Folsom County court hearing footage, and several other videos of Daniel that have been shared. Since then, Clark has been involved in many incidents, such as the Golden Hotel Incident and the Olive Garden Incident both wherein he convinced Daniel that he and Grace had bought a reservation at said establishment. When it was found there was not one, it ultimately resulted in Daniel causing damage to property inside the establishment and screaming profanities at the staff.
On December 17th, 2023, Clark was doxxed by one of Daniel's most prolific managers, Flexburger, after he did an interview with LarsonLeak,[2] a channel Flexburger himself owns. Despite his identity being exposed, Clark still opted to manage Daniel, unlike many others who had quit after having their identities exposed.
On February 28th, 2024, Clark seemingly vanished from the Daniel Larson community, possibly officially cutting his ties with Daniel.
“ | Hey, Clarky Warky, answer your phony wony. | ” |
Prior to managing Daniel, Clark "had a decent thing going" for himself after he graduated from high school, losing his luck after getting expelled from college due to him constantly drinking and "doing a lot of stupid things." After attending rehab, Clark channeled his obsession with drinking into Daniel. Seeing as Daniel was ripe for exploitation in the lead up to his interactions with him, Clark obtained his number from an unknown individual and started to message him until he gained Daniel's trust.
After becoming Daniel's manager, Clark alleged that they spoke more than 10 hours a week, to a point where it was interfering with his work schedule and relationship with his parents.[2] This got to the point where Clark was reprimanded at his job for speaking to Daniel so much, so much so that his parents caught Clark talking to Daniel on Thanksgiving.[2] This is given the fact that due to Daniel's homelessness and lack of resources and a job, he has almost nothing to do all day but talk to people on the phone and post on social media.
Trolling and Manipulation
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