Daniel and Nutrition

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Food is both a biological imperative and a cultural medium for humans. The human body is meant to run on a wide variety of food for a balanced diet, however, Daniel does not appear to have a grasp on how to properly give himself the nutrition he needs. This could be due to factors such as his autism, and his lack of teeth that likely plays a role in the type of foods he likes to eat.

Most of Daniel's diet is unknown, though whenever he does decide to post his meals they tend to be, well, not very good nor healthy. His diet primarily consists of fast, pre-packaged, and, to be blunt, stolen food, that is high in salt and sugars and low in vital nutrients, which causes a multitude of health and physical issues for himself.

Fast Food

It is very evident that Daniel does not know how to cook, and given this fact, combined with homeless (which provides a lack of cooking equipment), Daniel instead opts to eating out instead of cooking for himself. The most common places Daniel can be seen eating at are places such as Olive Garden, Panera Bread, and the Cheesecake Factory, several restaurants that are outside his means.

The fact Daniel is extremely skinny despite eating this much fatty, oily, salty, calorie-high food suggests that he has an extremely fast metabolism, one which will almost certainly not last indefinitely

Places Daniel likes to eat

  • Panera Bread
  • Olive Garden
  • The Cheesecake Factory
  • IHOP
  • Motel/Hotel rooms
  • Restaurants

Common/notable meals

Macaroni and Cheese

Daniel has an extensive and turbulent history with macaroni and cheese, with it being a favorite of his until he moved in with Jonas and ate it nightly for dinner, resulting in him becoming sick of it.

Daniel, despite having it nightly, still ate it until he was given a plate of mac n' cheese poisoned with honey mustard, spicy ranch, and jalapeños, which resulted in him abstaining from mac n' cheese.


A common meal of Daniel's is nachos. His nacho habits are often derived from the community due to the fact he is somehow able to spend up to $40 on nachos in one meal despite being, according to him, completely destitute.

Dine and Dashed delicacies.

It seems that Danny's favorite foods are the ones that he scrapes from a minimum-wage worker. He loves dining and dashing whenever the opportunity arises. You know they say everything tastes better better when it's free.

Effects on health

Daniel weighs 115 lbs (52 kg) at 5'10" (178 cm),[1] which is underweight for his height.[2]

Daniel's diet has led to health issues such as slow wound healing and stomach pain.[3]
