Travis Larson
"Travis Larson" has either missing content, has false information, has large formatting issues, is poorly written, has an extensive bias, or is illegible. Large portions or even the entirety of this article need to be rewritten. |
Remember that doxxing is both illegal and immoral. Phone numbers, home addresses, and confidential information should be omitted from this page. |
Do NOT attempt to contact Travis Larson. He wants NOTHING to do with Daniel and contacting him will not produce any useful information. Bear this in mind and keep yourself safe. |
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“ | That's on you. I am not your grandma. I will not lie to you or except bull crap. I tell you the way it is. Sorry you can't take it. If your services will not let you get a job you don't get a job. Why is that so hard for you understand. Do as you are told. Follow the rules. Stop fighting against it. | ” |
James “Travis” Larson[2] is Daniel's biological father. He was born on
September 1978 in Lancaster, California to parents James T. Larson (1930-2009) and Joan B. Lloyd (1937-), He currently lives in Lancaster, California, which is him and Daniel's hometown. It is rumored that both his mom and dad have a restraining order against him. He left Elisabeth not long after Daniel was taken for another woman, having given up on Daniel entirely. He has at least one daughter, Aurora Larson, with his new partner.
Not much is known about Travis' involvement in Daniel's life, but based on the interview with him, it can be assumed that the relationship between the two deteriorated long before he was an adult.
Suffice to say, Travis has officially distanced himself from Daniel and should be left alone.
In November of 2022, larsonleak, a YouTube channel dedicated to leaking information about Daniel, uploaded a video where he briefly interviews Travis, though he gets angry and hangs up on him, which is understandable.
Q: Hey, is this Travis?
A: "Who the hell is this?" (in an angry / confused tone)
(Things got a little heated... so we caught him on another day.)
Q: Do you know who Daniel Larson is?
A: "I'm not gonna reveal any information at this point."
Q: Are you aware of his social media presence?
A: "Yes."
Q: Is he big? Like celebrity level?
A: "In the thousands of followers."
Q: Do you know about him using the N-Word online?
A: "Nothing racial, before this."
Q: What's exactly wrong with him?
A: "He has several mental disabilities."
Q: Which ones?
A: "I'm not gonna give any further information."
Q: You are aware of the rumors of him being a pedo, right?
A: "Correct".
Q: What do you have to say about them? Especially with all the evidence online?
A: "My advice is literally call the cops and report him."
Q: There are videos of him breaking things, etc. Has he gotten in any physical fights with caretakers or family members? If so... how many?
A: "Less than ten."
(We asked him about how his life was in California. For some reason he didn't like that creshtin.)
Travis (angry): "...cause I'm in fucking California, you got the wrong number!"
Travis: "Bye."
See Also
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