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Not to be confused with Luke, a manager from 2022.

Lucas' passport photo
Name: Lucas
Aliases: Lauren Albento, Lawrence, Luka Da Silva, Daniellarsonpredator
Time Active: {{{timeActive}}}
Alignment: Enabler
DOB: {{{DOB}}}
Gender: Male
Race: Sri Lankan
Nationality: British
Height and Weight: {{{HeightnWeight}}}
Parents: {{{Parents}}}
Siblings: {{{Siblings}}}
Daniel Larson Signature.png
Arcs Involved:

Lucas is a lesser known enabler and impersonator of Daniel. He is known to have had repeatedly stuck his neck out to defend Daniel from hate, stick up for his actions, paying for his Uber Eats and booking him motel rooms, and even going as far as attempting to get him off the streets using money gained from a GoFundMe. In December 2023, Lucas, while pretending to be Grace VanderWaal, attempted to set up another Cameo account for Daniel, which led to him eventually being doxxed.

He was able to fund money for Daniel through the creator fund on TikTok, and according to Lucas, he raised over $20,000 for Daniel. Following the Second Jail Arc, Lucas went on an active impersonation spree, first impersonating LarsonLeak, and then Daniel. Lucas spends all day making TikTok accounts pretending to be Daniel, most notably one where he pretended to be Daniel while he was incarcerated. Despite his accounts not being convincing at all, many fell for his ruse.

He also went under the name "Lauren Albento" on Discord, and would often brag, posting screenshots of how much money he made. He went by the name "Lauren Albento" on Discord, who Daniel would mention on multiple occasion, often mispronouncing his name as "Lawrence."

In August 2024, Lucas became aware of this very article, sending vague legal threats to admins whilst not taking any, claiming he was a victim of defamation and libel, and calling a black editor a racial slur.


UberEats order Lucas purchased for Daniel.
Lucas, threatening to kill himself.

On December 15th, 2023, Daniel created a new Cameo account under the name of Daniellarsonwork2024. This surprised many, as he had been previously banned from the service. In videos made from this time, Daniel claimed that "Grace" helped him get unbanned from Cameo.[1] Of course, this was merely someone impersonating Grace. Lucas used the TikTok account, @gracevanderwaaldenver, to gain Daniel's trust. Under the moniker of Grace, Lucas would post orders he'd placed for Daniel via UberEats (and foolishly leaving his name in the video), as well as giving Daniel money for motels.

Lucas would also give Daniel money on his live streams while pretending to be Grace, utterly unaware that Daniel could not collect any of this money because he did not have a viable PayPal acount to connect to his TikTok account. In a message on Reddit, Lucas claimed that he raised over $5000 dollars for Daniel via the TikTok creator fund, although the validity of this is unknown.[2]

Additionally, on the 22nd of 2023, Lucas would start a GoFundMe in an attempt to raise money in hopes of getting Daniel off the streets before Christmas, listing his TikTok in the description of it.[3] The goal for this GoFundMe was 300 dollars, and the name it was listed under was "Luka Da Silva." It is unclear as to why Lucas went under this name. But, this would eventually be used to find out his true identity. While Daniel's new Cameo account would be quickly banned once more, and the GoFundMe failed, it did not protect Lucas. This fake Grace account was eventually looked into, and all of his accounts were eventually pieced together, and another one of his accounts, @Daniellarsonpredator and, were found. Lucas was eventually doxxed, and he was identified for who he truly was. Many scrutinized him for helping Daniel, especially in light of his pedophilic behavior.

After being doxxed, Lucas would release an apology on his TikTok account, posting black screens with text reading things such as "I am sorry for buying Daniel food," and "surrending" to those who had his personal information. Lucas offered $300 to not have any more of his information leaked, as well as threatening to end his life (not much unlike Daniel.)

Soon after, Lucas would scrub his account pretending to be Grace VanderWaal of all of its content, and deactivated @daniellarsonpredator. However, this did not mean he stopped his shenanigans at all.

TikTok Sockpuppet accounts

Lucas' fake account impersonating LarsonLeak.

Starting in May 2024, Lucas would begin impersonating several people. The first of which was LarsonLeak, a YouTube channel run by Daniel's past manager, Flexburger. On May 3rd, Lucas was contacted by Flexburger, who politely asked him to change his account name, as he was completely unaffiliated with him, and did not want anyone to think that his account belonged to him, or anyone else who had collaborated with LarsonLeak. Lucas replied to this by saying, "Do you not have bigger things to worry about right now," blatently refusing. As of July 2024, the account has 90k followers. In July, following the Second Jail Arc, Lucas would create the account @daniellarsonprison2024.[4] On this account, he would pretend to be Daniel while he was still in jail, post fake photos of his food, and making posts about his issues finding ways to keep his phone battery charged. This account was theorized to be Daniel's account, but it was quickly dismissed, as the account only reposted videos from the past.

List of Sockpuppets

Username Time of Creation Notes
@daniellarsonpredator December 2023 Deactivated after being doxxed.
@gracevanderwaaldenver December 2023 Not active, content has been scrubbed - impersonating Grace VanderWaal December 2023 Deactivated, scrubbed
@daniellarsonfree2024 March 2024 Currently active account, impersonating Daniel while he is incarcerated.
@larsonleak May 2024 Currently active account, impersonating Flexburger.

Response to Article

Guess he isn't fond of trance genders.

Shortly after his article was made, Lucas, on July 30th, 2024, created an account on this very Wiki. His first action in response to an article about him being made was to attempt and vandalize it, before being banned by the abuse filter. On August 2nd, Lucas created a new topic on the Admin's talk page, demanding the article written about him be removed, threatening to find the domain registrator of the wiki.[5]

In response, the admin responded cordially, not deleting his article, instead choosing to hide the entire page history, and encouraging Lucas to remove any information he deemed to be defamatory. Following this, Lucas would remove a majority of information from his article, removing citations and images that substantiated claims made. In his edit history, he claimed these actions to be "factually correct." In this revision of the article, it was stated that his reasoning for creating a GoFundMe for Daniel was because, "people wanted to see him die on the streets." Not long after, this revision was undone, resulting in the admin reinstating Lucas' previous edit. When questioned about this, they elaborated by saying that they were receiving threats of legal action from Lucas.

On August 3rd, Lucas sent a discord friend request to wiki editor KanamoriKamper, immediately initiating the conversation by saying he "hated trannies." Afterward, he called him the self-defense word, and when asked about why he did so, pretended to be black, gave information about his employment at Uber, and continuing to claimed that he was being defamed because of his inclusion on the wiki. Soon after, he explained his reasoning for interacting Daniel was to manipulate him for more content, further evidencing why he had an article made about him in the first place.[6]

Of course, this did not help his case at all.
