Self Harm

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Daniel Larson is a habitual self harmer, both in simple threats as well as actually hurting himself. The two manifest differently depending on his intentions.


When Daniel actually hurts himself, it is usually because he is either extremely upset or an incident has just happened. When he is upset, he often does things such as slam his head into his hands, punch holes in walls, and other similar strikes. Evidence of such occurrences can be found after the Häagen-Dazs incident, when he slammed his head into his hands, or the destruction of the Airbnb, or punching holes into the Pink Room.


Daniel often threatens suicide- this can be to distract from blame, or when he is extremely embarrassed about something. Such an example is when he destroyed the pink room- captioning his video "Tonight is the end everyone" or after Tina VanderWaal called him out for scaring the VanderWaal family. When such incidents happened, as well as countless others, Daniel would threaten suicide to gain some form of empathy, then never follow through. Such messages read

"I understand

I'm ending my life tonight

Everyone has messed up everything.

I understand what you and your family-".

Other than suicidal theats, Daniel doesn't usually threaten regular self harm- it is a spontaneous reaction, likely as a result of his autism.

Other Examples

-Punching himself during the December 10th Incident

-Merciless picking of various injuries, such as the scab after the Bodega Incident.