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Bianka Kiszka (Also known as Barb) is a former manager of Daniel Larson, who later became a troll. She was active as a manager from January 2022 (the exact date in January is unknown) to March 26, 2022. Bianka was the briefest of Daniel's known managers, only lasting for two months before eventually leaving on her own accord. Bianka wanted to help Daniel and improve his living situation, much like other managers such as Ox. However, Daniel's relentless texts and verbal assaults caused her to to retire from the role.

After managing him, she started to believe that Daniel was a bad person. The reasons for this change in opinion comes from her claiming that she had found child porn on his phone, and that Daniel severely mistreated her and several other managers. Bianka, unlike most managers, has actively spoken out against Daniel and at one point planned to make a video, 'exposing,' him.[1]

Bianka's Initial Involvement

Bianka initially reached out to Daniel after the January 2022 Discord was taken down, seeking to become his manager. This was possible thanks to the help of some of the admins from the deleted server. Bianka wanted to help Daniel maintain a stable financial flow. She would do so by providing him with financial donations in the forms of cash and gift cards. She eventually gained access to Daniel's finances, but had minimal access to his social media accounts, more or less letting Daniel post whatever he wanted. When her benevolent intentions were questioned, she responded on Reddit with a list of things that she had supplied for Daniel during her time as his manager.

Here is everything we have done for daniel: Got him ubers [sic], regularly buy [sic] him food, setup and bought stuff on his amazon wishlist [sic], helping [sic] him make merch, Help [sic] him promote his music, helped him [distribute his music], we also make sure he gets all the money on his cashapp [sic], tiktok [sic] and other donations and havent [sic] taken a cent from him (i [sic] actually pay paypal [sic] a $2.29 cent fee from my own pocket everytime i [sic] send him money) and on top of this we deal with his craziness and outburts [sic] on a daily basis. you dont [sic] know anything about me or any of us helping him. the [sic] reason he sticks around is because he [receives] money, food, clothes & socialization out of it.[2]

Something to note is that Bianka was one of the first people to suggest that Daniel start a Cameo. Bianka, through her Reddit account, u/Vivid_war8262, responded to a post asking why Daniel had not set up a Cameo account.

Hi there! We have actually considered this and heavily talked about this to danny [sic] but unfortunately he puts things off that he doesnt [sic] 100% know about. I dont [sic] want to do the enrollment for him because im [sic] sure [Cameo would] need some personal information for tax purposes and i dont [sic] feel comfortable asking him for this as i dont [sic] want to have him in the habit of just trusting people and sharing this information[.][3]

Bianka had also claimed to be in contact with Bob, Andrew, and Daniel's therapist at the time, whom she had not named but is presumed to be Tiffany. She had attempted to provide them with insight as to what was going on with Daniel via a Zoom call that is believed to have been lost. Bianka also claimed to be in regular contact with them via email and Zoom meetings if anything urgent were to happen. Bianka denies the manager label, only referring to herself as Daniel's 'friend.' She claimed that her intentions at the time were benevolent.

Hi! Yes i [sic] do, i [sic] got in [sic] contact with [Daniel] and his [caretakers] (Andrew, Bob & his therapist idk [sic] if her name is public) and i [sic] gave them insight on what is really happening online with Daniel via zoom as they were fully out of the loop. I am in regular contact with them still via email and zoom ... if anything urgent arises. people [sic] will call me his manager but im [sic] just his friend who is looking out for him with genuine care. I dont [sic] take any money from him (infact i [sic] buy him ubers and food lol [sic]), I dont [sic] make him say anything online or force him to make any sort of videos. I just want him to be happy and have someone to come to or call if something happens [rather than] going onto tiktok [sic] and having people laugh and [bully him] like in the past.

Bianka Leaves

Bianka's final Discord message to Daniel before removing herself from his management team.

On March 26, 2022, Bianka sent a message in the Discord server she and Daniel's other managers had been talking in, although the contents of this message were not on the best of terms. Bianka had pinged Daniel and sending a lengthy message as to why she could no longer act as his manager.

Hi @Daniel Larson. As much as we've had fun with you over the last 3 months unfortunately the negatives are taking over. We feel mistreated and taken advantage of by you. We have tried so hard over these past few months to be kind, supportive, & a stable relationship in your life. We have provided for you emotionally and financially and all we get in return is verbal abuse and demands from you bossing us around when we are at school, work ect [sic]. We have done all of this for you for free and have never taken a penny from your like [sic] last management has and you still can't even treat us with basic kindness. You are never willing to listen to us when we tell you we cant [sic] talk to grace or sony [sic] or whatever other company/celebrity people are pretending to be & instead of trusting us you call us bitches and tell us to fuck off. We all wish you the best of luck moving forward but we no longer will be helping you as we are going to move on to do [the message then cuts off.]

There is much to take away from this message. Most notably, the mistreatment Bianka claims to have faced. This is highly believable due to the outbursts Daniel has had in the past.

When this screenshot was posted to the Daniel Larson Subreddit, Bianka was met with much criticism regarding her decision to get involved with Daniel in the first place when his erratic behaviors were common knowledge. Bianka did not take this well, as she responded to almost every comment on the post to defend herself and speak out about the way Daniel had supposedly mistreated her.

When responding to the person who'd posted the screenshot, she'd reinforced that Daniel had treated her horribly. At one point, Bianka's boyfriend was in danger as an active shooter was at his school. While Bianka attempted to get into contact with him, Daniel spam called her, then resorting to calling her a 'bitch' when she hadn't answered. This, however, should be taken with a grain of salt.

you literally know nothing. HE treats us like that. my boyfriends school was legit getting shot up and daniel was spamming me and verbally abusing me calling me a bitch because i was declining his calls.[4]

Bianka claimed that she had bachelor's degree in forensic psych, and she had cared for multiple autistic people that were worse than Daniel. Therefore, she would not take criticism from people who had no education and/or experience in the field.

What are your qualifications? I have a BA in forensic psych, [am] certified in DBT and have hours of volunteer work[.][5]

Before this comment, Bianka claimed that she knew, "...a lot about autism," as she had volunteered for a housing service, much akin to the one Daniel was in, before. Additionally, she claimed that her brother was autistic. Additionally, she also stated that even when managing Daniel, it does not work as he will never take the support he is given or quit the internet, which is the source of many of his problems.

Trust me i [sic] know a lot about autism i [sic] volunteered at a housing service for homeless autistic people all through [sic] high school and my own brother is autistic. My point of posting isnt [sic] for sympathy or attention, my intentions are to show people who shit on managers saying oh get him off the internet, get him help ect that it DOES not work. he [sic] is his own person with guardianship, he will never quit the internet. He will never get help willingly unless it is forced upon him by a court order even when you treat him with kindness & support. Daniel is a lost cause unless his providers or the court steps in unfortunately and forces this on him and he will continue to be stuck in this vicious cycle no matter how he is treated by “management” [sic]. [6]

There is no evidence to prove that Bianka had any background in psychology or knew how to properly care for a mentally disabled person. Her 'background' is from high school, and Bianka never named any of the mandatory internships from her supposed study of psychology. What is also important to note is that what she is doing is against the American Psychological Association's guidelines. If Bianka possessed such a degree, she would know this. The circumstances of her relationship with Daniel, and the manner in which she spoke about it online, was very unprofessional and unethical, considering how much information Bianka willingly released to the public.

Bianka claimed that she attended college at age 16, and graduated at 20 with her BA in psychology. Her attendance at such a young age would suggest a bright pupil, however her posts are filled with grammatical errors. On top of that, the energy, time, and expertise needed to work with someone like Daniel is something she was not qualified to do, especially over the internet. While she claimed that her intentions were benevolent, Bianka's many dubious statements provided less trust in herself.

What should also be noted is that Bianka took issue with Daniel's attitude and outbursts, however, these are common amongst those on the spectrum, something that someone educated in psychology should know. It would be different if Bianka was just a friend, however Bianka presented herself as some kind of therapist or mental health professional who was 'qualified' to be taking care of Daniel. She ushered herself into his life through getting his number, then she managed his livelihood, and was upset by some of the most common symptoms of autism. If Bianka really were a psychologist, this would be extremely unprofessional behavior.

It is also theorized that Bianka had allegedly faked being Grace Vanderwaal in order to gain Daniel's trust, as Andrew had told her that it could potentially be unsafe for her to reveal her real name or face. However, the validity of this claim is unconfirmed.

Andrew knew who i [sic] was and i [sic] followed what he asked of me, I took over an account made by someone else dont [sic] want to post her name. i [sic] never wanted to be grace [sic] however andrew [sic] told me i [sic] had to wait to tell daniel [sic] as it was unsafe to tell him i [sic] am bianka [sic] while he was homeless.[7]

Daniel Hate Arc

Following the end of her management role, Bianka began to start an active hate campaign against Daniel.

Bianka showing that the $50 Daniel claimed was stolen was, in fact, still in his account.

She began by dispelling rumors that she had stolen money from Daniel. Sometime after Bianka's departure, Daniel made a TikTok claiming that she had stolen $50 of his TikTok live donations. Bianca later disproved this in a post she to the subreddit.[8] She claimed that the money had never been in Daniel's possession in the first place, and he had never created a PayPal account to store any of the money in.

^^ the 2 [sic] balances in this TikTok aka [sic] the $50 he was talking about, he just says this is stolen because he refuses to make a PayPal to get the money out bc [sic] we don't want to[.]

This post was met with backlash, much of it being people asking Bianka to move her 'drama' with Daniel to someplace else as they did not care. However, this did not stop Bianca from fighting off claims that she had stolen money from Daniel.

still [sic] waiting for proof of me stealing the money, i [sic] provided proof of me paying him. you [sic] guys go off [of] baseless claims and incite hate on specific people acting like you are good people, news flash you arent [sic]! innocent [sic] until proven guilty still waiting for the proof beyond a reasonable doubt which i [sic] know does not exist. -First comment[9]

thats [sic] all the money from his tiktok i withdrawal’d 3 [sic] times, he is not in the creator fund (no money comes from views, likes ect [sic]) the money is only from his lives. and [sic] we would withdraw it once it hit 20-60 dollars depending on when he needed it (it would be saved in there for emergencies like no dinner ect [sic]) and he doesnt [sic] make that much noney [sic] off live it takes a while to rack up in money. you [sic] should look into the percentage of money tiktok [sic] takes from every gift and how many coins is actually a dollar then it will make sense when it was only $200 of receipts aka what i [sic] did for him. -Second comment[10]

Her attempts to defend herself were ultimately fruitless as she had been downvoted and failed to convince the various members of the subreddit. Bianka had also perpetuated the idea that Daniel was a pedophile and had videos of little kids and babies liked on his TikTok during the time, which she was aware of as she had access to his Pinterest.

because [sic] literally no one is taking money from him, he’s a lying pedophile. all [sic] the money is in his tiktok [sic] account we instructed him to make a paypal [sic] and withdraw it himself, which he says no to and then says we are stealing because we refuse to withdraw it for him.[11]

Bianka also alleged that Daniel had tried to buy child porn, and was liking videos of children on TikTok. However, this post has since been lost due to it being marked as spam.[12]

A few days after this, she completely removed herself from Daniel's life, as well as the Subreddit, although she still does occasionally use her Reddit account.

Bianka Comes Back

Bianka was seen nearly a year later during the Bodega Incident, in which her voice could be heard. She was the individual who claimed to be Olivia Vanderwaal, one of Grace VanderWaal's relatives. The reason for Bianka coming back is unknown, but following this incident, Bianka has yet to be seen again.
