Cameo Arc

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Revision as of 14:29, 1 June 2023 by Sirenheaded (talk | contribs)
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On May 31, 2023, Daniel Larson created a Cameo page after Worldoftshirts created one. . After WOTS made a page, Daniel fans commented that he should do the same, and eventually Daniel, wanting the extra income, posted about it on his YouTube community page then created the account.


Cameo is a website where you can pay celebrities to say (largely) whatever you want, usually for between 10 to 50 ish dollars. After Daniel’s enemies Michael Quinn and Joshua Block created pages, members of R/Daniellarson began encouraging Daniel to make one, stating it would make him a lot of money. Daniel, being money hungry, went for it.

Daniel’s Pricing

As of June 1, 2023, it is $30 to have a custom video created and $3 to message Daniel.

It started at $20.99, went up to 24.99, then to 59.99, then reportedly to as high as $85. Once no one bought those, the price has since been lowered again.