May 17th Incident
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On May 17, 2023, Daniel Larson had an autistic meltdown as a result of several upsetting factors. This page aims to provide an accurate view of what happened and why it happened.
The Causes
The factor that truly set this off was that Daniel missed his bus. However, there are other factors that are partially responsible for such an explosive reaction.
Mental Stuff
Daniel is both autistic and bipolar. This was absolutely an autistic meltdown caused by the missing of the bus, and the bipolar likely only worsened what happened.
Lack Of Sleep
Daniel Larson has a terrible sleep schedule as a homeless person. Considering the fact he currently sleeps in either subway stations or on benches. Such evidence for this can be found scattered all over Daniel's social media, including of the NIGHT OF THE INCIDENT showing he only slept for 2 hours.
Hopes and Dreams
The missing of this bus signified a delay of 2 things that are important to Daniel. First of all, we all know Daniel is not in a great financial situation. Daniel's plan includes somehow generating well-needed income at Disney. Though it is unclear how he plans to do so, this is a delay for a resource he desperately wants. Secondly, we also know one of Daniel's biggest dreams is to become a famous singer- though he believes he is already there. His current plan includes recording a new studio album once he reaches Denver. Though it has appeared in the past that Bob cut ties with Daniel, Daniel posted on the 17th that Bob would finance at least another 2 songs if Daniel could get a record deal.