Homeless Era

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In march of 2022 Daniel ran away from the house where Jonas and Gavin were, starting the current Homeless Arc.

Arc Trigger

Before this Arc started Daniel was living with a host name Jonas (Jonez / Jonaz) and a roommate named Gavin. This household was in a constant state of chaos [1] and at one point Daniel was "poisoned" with mustard or jalapeños in his Mac and Cheese. Daniel fled from this house. Trigger may have also been from his management's influence. One of his "managers" informed him that Grace VanderWaal was in Colorado Springs and that Daniel had 24 hours to get there (from Denver) if he wanted to be with her.


Daniel is currently waiting for housing, on June 22nd 2022 he was apparently supposed to move into an apartment but Andrew was MIA. Eventually when Andrew did get back to him he referred Daniel to his new Arc Advocate[2], which is a foundation dedicated to helping people with intellectual disabilities.


To a some peoples surprise Daniel has been able to survive these times through various means, whether it's dine and dashing or relying on fans to pay for meals. Since he is almost constantly on his phone (see: him running an entire marathon, phone in hand), he would usually charge his phone at restaurants or other public areas. In desperate times, he resorted to trespassing.

Wear and Tear

Being without a home does not provide the most opportunities for bathing but it doesn't help that Daniel will actively refuse it.