Daniel Larson's Substance Use

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A majority of Daniel Larson’s imprudent and arbitrary actions and meltdowns are influenced by one of Daniel Larson’s many mental illnesses. But what is probably an underrepresented factor behind these actions is substance abuse.

Daniel, so far, is not extremely public about his substance use, but there are moments where he can be seen drinking alcohol and smoking weed.

Gotta have that beer.jpg

Alcohol use

Daniel is probably most public about his drinking habits. Daniel is known to drink beer quite often with his meals and just for recreational use, and because of his autism and intellectual abilities, is probably not the best at moderation.

In reference to his tech destruction spree.

Him being drunk is, honestly, a pretty good explanation of a lot of Daniel's more violent behavior, especially his tech destruction spree.


Daniel Larson is not the biggest smoke of weed but has been in a hotbox before with one of his managers.

Daniel, possibly disingenuously, had a very intense reaction to the weed, him screaming and yelling out of excitement.