Timeline (Pre-1990s)

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This page covers events in the Timeline occurring before 1990

2000000 B.C.

The earliest hominids discover fire somewhere in Africa

The last Ice Age begins

20-25000 B.C.

The Stone Age begins

11000 B.C.

The last Ice Age ends, humans enter the Neolithic Era and begin farming

5000 B.C. - 3000 B.C.

The first giants roamed around Ancient Texas.

3000 B.C. - 1000 B.C.

Ancient Texas enters a period of high stability

The first emperor of China, Tao Chen Mai Dek invents fortification.

The first empress of China, Mai Coo Chi Ich invents basketball.

2500 B.C.

The first song ever is written in the Empire of Brazil by Chief Slaep Mahass

1000 B.C. - 1000 A.D.

Ancient Texas goes through a recession

Sometime before 500 B.C.

First Ancient Texan king Ishid Anfarded is born, and sets up the royal family. He lives in the ancient city of Heustonia, located in modern-day Houston, Texas.

500 B.C.

The Ancient Texanians build the Temple of Kwantarius the III, a pyramid located in modern-day Texas, located 5 miles from El Paso.

100 B.C. - 100 A.D.

The Ancient Huestonian walls are built.

The city of Daelles, in modern day Dallas, Texas is built.

4 A.D.

Jesus Christ is born

300 A.D.

The Roman Empire Falls

1000 A.D. - 1675 A.D.

A great era of wealth.

Sometime between 1000-1400 A.D.

The first composer, Rubin Ma Daec, creates the first composition in Germany.


Columbus "discovers" America



  • Sometime - Rameses Sarah Kallie, Nancy Shimer's mother, is born


Nancy, in her youth.
  • September 16th, 1943 - Birth of Daniel William Shimer, Nancy Shimer's ex-husband
  • April 2, 1947 - Birth of Nancy Shimer, Daniel Larson's grandmother, and mother of Elisabeth Shimer.
  • 1939-1945 - The first president of Imperial China, Han Jeob, known for selling children to Nazi Germany in World War II becomes president.



The last female president of China, So Hor Nee, known for eating 6000 bowls of rice in one sitting is elected.