January 26th Hospital Incident

From Daniel Larson Wiki
Revision as of 18:10, 13 February 2024 by KanamoriKamper (talk | contribs) (Fixing up some stuff. Needs transcript)
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On January 26th, Daniel Larson checked himself into a hospital, feigning illness so he could seek shelter from the cold Denver weather. After being discharged, he was found sleeping in the lobby of the hospital, to which he was subsequently kicked out and almost arrested by a police officer for refusing to get off of the property.

After being kicked out, Daniel, while live-streaming, angrily threatened to start a mass shooting at the hospital. While obviously untrue, threats like this would eventually be used against him in the Jail Arc, when the officers who had arrested him questioned Daniel on threats of shootings on places such as the hospital.


Daniel is immediately seen arguing with an employee at the hospital, who is asking Daniel to leave the main lobby, which Daniel claims is the cafeteria, due to him being discharged therefore he could no longer stay. Daniel argues with her, saying that he does not want to leave the hospital because he does not want to, quote, "wait 45 minutes in the rain" outside, despite the fact it's only 10 minutes and there are, according to the employee, facilities to give protection from the rain.

Daniel asks for the police and to be arrested for trespass. Eventually, a police officer arrives and doesn't even attempt to speak with Daniel, immediately shutting him down and offering an ultimatum to either leave or be arrested. Daniel, after fussing and almost being arrested, concedes to leave before asking the officer for his name and badge number. In response, the officer makes the grave mistake of giving Daniel his card.

Begrudgingly, Daniel leaves the hospital cursing out the staff under his breath and even says he'll cause, quote, "a mass shooting on the place". He then goes on a tangent about people lying about him, before reading off the full name and badge number of the officer from the card the officer gave him. Funnily enough, the bus Daniel said he was supposed to get on flies right by him.

Daniel then starts talking about Daniel MacDougall, a Secret Service agent supposedly interrogating him about making bomb threats "because he was famous," right before eventually threatening to shoot up and bomb Bob afterward.

Live Stream
