Daniel Larson's Hygiene

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Revision as of 19:18, 7 April 2023 by YungCyraxx (talk | contribs)
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Daniel is very visibly unhygienic, with oily and dead skin all over his face, him getting scabies, him wearing the same clothes day after day, and him not taking showers (even before he was homeless) making it clear he does not take care of his hygiene. His becoming homeless did not help his hygiene, him only having access to showers at the gym and beach.

Daniel's health has been severely impacted by his hygiene, him getting trench foot and dental issues.

Actively against the idea

While out with Brink and Brink's friends, Brink asked Daniel if he wanted to try and shower to which Daniel replied "I'm good". Brink and friends told him that it's so that he could get his hair cut, implying that his hair is so "well worn" that they don't dare bring him into a barbershop. Daniel gets visibly uncomfortable during the questioning.

First shower

After not having showered since living with Jonas, Daniel was finally convinced to do so by Brink on July 7th, 2022. Along with the shower Brink also helped Daniel purchase some "new" clothes.