Daniel Larson

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Daniel Robert Larson is a professional singer/songwriter, fashion model, actor, and internet celebrity most well known for his videos on TikTok. Since 2020, he has gained a large following due to his intriguing and controversial content, including his multiple bans for nudity on livestreams, running for President of the United States, and his obsession with Grace VanderWaal.

Hopes and Dreams

Before TikTok Fame

Daniel Robert Larson was born to Elisabeth Lee Shimer and an unknown male (Kenneth Lee Barnett is a likely candidate, though) on November 15th, 1998, in Lancaster, California. Though little can be definitively said about his childhood, a 2012 news report on KWGN regarding his time at the Tennyson Center (a Colorado-based facility for troubled youth) states that he grew up in an extremely neglectful home. At about age 11, he was taken to the Tennyson Center by his grandmother, Nancy Shimer, who would serve as his legal guardian until her death in 2019. After her death, Daniel was instituted into a state-run group home program for the disabled, where he remained for about two years before alternating between living with other individuals (some disabled, some not) and living on the streets, dependent on fan donations to survive.

At some point prior to his TikTok fame, Daniel was diagnosed with autism and bipolar disorder. Though some fans have suspected that he may have schizophrenia, based on him having delusions of being harassed by management and his frequent outbursts of rage, it is likely this is simply due to him failing to take his medications for his bipolar disorder (as he has mentioned being prescribed with, and not taking, Latuda. It is also presumed that his neglectful parents have left him with a great deal of childhood trauma, which may exacerbate his already chaotic behavior.

Major Events

Main Timeline efforts should be carried out on the Timeline.