August 29th Meltdown
On August 29, 2023, Daniel Larson had a complete autistic meltdown on his YouTube community page. This meltdown was caused by a fake Grace VanderWaal making threats, as well as a night on the streets (complete with breaking an establishment's windows).
Build-Up/ Causes
Due to a lack of donations or Cameo funds, Daniel was forced to spend the night of the 28th/the early hours of the 29th on the streets of Denver. Daniel was evidently in a harsh mental state all night long- he was certainly frustrated enough to not only smash a window of a random establishment he was passing, but also to break a $100 pair of headphones- or at least so he claimed. Photos of the damage to the establishment would appear on Daniel's hacked Instagram.
The day started for Daniel with extreme harassment by a fake Grace to his phone number. This Grace would threaten death to Daniel, call him a pedophile, imply sexual relations with Bob Proctor, call him a cuckold for Jacob Sartorius, and more. Below is a small list of someone of the most interesting moments of hours of complete and utter meltdown. Daniel would post on his community tab up to several times a minute for hours.
At one point, Daniel would even send a screenshot to 911 of one of the conversations he was having with this fake Grace. Unfortunately for Daniel, (or maybe fortunately when you consider it is a crime to waste 911's time), the text didn't go through to them, because Daniel sent a photo rather than words.
Components of this meltdown
Daniel reacted as follows-
-Broke the window to an establishment
-(Claims to have) Destroyed his $100 headphones
-Is called a cuck, responds 6 times with "stop"
-Is told (and believes) that a "Tyrone" will butt-fuck him until he dies
-Believes Grace threatened to kill him
-Threatens to bomb the government, all police stations, and Columbia Records
-Calls his manager Warren the n-word
-Threatens to bomb Bob's house
-Claims Russia dropped bombs on Grace's house
-Threatens to kill Grace and attempts to contact Tina VanderWaal
-Mentions he wants his nudes off the internet
-Texts 911 a screenshot of his conversation
Posted a live having an intense meltdown
And a lot, lot, more of things that cannot be documented- hundreds of posts were made in just hours. The most interesting stuff has been saved here. If you're seeing this shortly after this document was created, feel free to see if he's still going- Daniel's community tab is here. If anything more interesting happens, it'll be added.