
From Daniel Larson Wiki
Revision as of 11:52, 16 May 2023 by Sirenheaded (talk | contribs)
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I am the Sirenheaded. I think Daniel is funny & was introduced to him through the World Of T Shirts fandom. I will edit things here if others don’t first, because life is opportunistic. I do a lot of fixing of old articles, grammar, and updating things if no one else did before me. I started editing on May 15, 2023, starting on the Timeline.

My Info

You can contact me on Discord robin/db4d#3314. I am in the Daniel Larson Wiki discord a lot, my display there name is the same as here. M

My real name is Robin and my pronouns are she/they.

My Pages

I created:


The Bottle Incident

The content in The Shower Incident

And edited many, many of the pages here.