Fog Arc

From Daniel Larson Wiki
Revision as of 18:40, 30 April 2023 by (talk) (Added a section about theories on what the fog is because its funny. Jazzer#3690 on discord)
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The following occurrence of the fog was posted in July 2021 on one of Daniel's previous TikTok accounts, @daniellarsonishere.

The Fog was an arc of the Daniel Larson saga which was created when he broke his phone’s camera in what was probably a meltdown, which caused his recordings to have a blurry, fog-like effect for a couple months until he either got a new phone or replaced the camera.

There is much speculation as to what "the fog" actually was. The leading theory is that Daniel dropped his phone, smashing the screen, including the area around the front camera. In order to prevent himself from getting cuts from broken shards of glass around the camera, and to protect the phone itself it is thought that Daniel put on layers of translucent tape causing the fog to occur. Another leading theory is that Daniel left his phone out in the rain, or dropped it in a body of water causing condensation to form underneath the screen on top of the front facing camera. This is plausible, however the fog receded and came back on multiple occasions, so unless Daniel was consistently dropping his phone into bodies of water it is unlikely for this to be the case. The Final, and most disturbing theory is that The Fog was caused due to Daniel ejaculating on his phone and letting it dry. As ridiculous as this sounds it is not out of the relm of possibility, due to Daniel crippling sex addiction, general hygiene, as well as the mysterious nature of The Fog's appearance and disappearance.

The show first showed in early 2021, and in the following months, the fog continued to worsen everyday, up until Daniel was no longer visible in his videos. The comments under the video often said "The fog is coming", referring to a TikTok meme where users warned each other of a vague, but threatening "fog", Daniel probably never knowing what the comments meant.

The fog era took place before any of the ''allegations'', at this point in time there was no real controversy concerning Daniel. It wasn't until after Daniel was completely consumed by the fog that his terrible deeds came to light around the end of The Fog Era.