Daniel and the Law

From Daniel Larson Wiki
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Daniel has been in trouble with the law on multiple occasions. Daniel has found himself with a destruction of private property charge, as well as an unlawful petty theft charge. Daniel has hardly faced any incarceration despite these crimes.

Destruction of Property

Daniel is going to court for property destruction. (pictured includes Daniel's very dirty thumb)

On August 13th, 2021, Daniel was charged with destruction of property for smashing the window of a car[1].

Petty Theft

On May 13th, 2022, Daniel was charged with petty theft, based on the location of the violation: "500 16TH ST #120". It appears to be the location of a Hard Rock Café suggesting it was a target of one of Larson's dine and dashes.


On May 15th, 2023, Daniel posted that overnight he was given a citation for sleeping in a MTA subway station. He said that it was a $100 fine, and posted a video that briefly shows the ticket on his TikTok page.


Destruction of Property

Daniel has already failed to appear four separate times, and has had $350 worth of fees imposed on him via bond, bond forfeiture, and warrant fees. $100 worth of these has already been paid, leaving $250 due.

Petty Theft

Daniel has yet to miss a court date for his petty theft charge. (well done larson)

Criminal Mischief

On June 9th, 2022, a criminal mischief case was opened against Daniel. After failing to appear once, the warrant was executed when he was arrested during his October 16th tantrum. Daniel was appointed a public defender on October 25th with his "plea and setting hearing" on November 28th.

Additional Destruction of Property Charges

On October 16th 2022 a new case was opened for Daniel for destruction of property. He failed to appear on December 20th 2022 and his warrant was canceled on June 21, 2023. [2]

"Cleared Up"

Daniel has announced that he is "clearing up his warrants" many times. On August 4th 2022 Daniel uploaded a video announcing that he had gotten it all taken care of by "merging it all into one case" and that it should all be cleared up within the month.

Destruction of property

On August 29th, 2022 Daniel's destruction of property charge was dismissed [3]

Dine and Dash Arrest

Daniels arrest record found on https://www.anaheim.net

On January 19th 2023 Daniel was arrested for attempting to dine and dash at a Cheesecake Factory in Anaheim, California. Daniel was charged with "defrauding an innkeeper" and received a $950 fine.

School of Mines Wall Damage

On July 11, 2023, Daniel livestreamed an interaction he had with EMTs after calling 911 multiple times. While he was in the ambulance a police officer was able to charge him $500 for damages to a wall at the School of Mines. Daniel quickly admitted to his crimes claiming he damaged the wall to make sure he was heard, that "this was serious".

Jefferson County Court Hearings

On September 14th, 2023 Daniel announced he would be appearing in court the following day in a YouTube short and several community posts. This was an arraignment for two misdemeanours at the Jefferson County Court in Golden, Colorado to which he turned up late. It is uncertain what exactly the charges were but he claimed that the maximum sentence was two years in jail. Daniel would plead not guilty, likely to buy him some time and hope for a good plea bargain. His next appearance in court would be set as October 31st, 2023 for a pre-trial conference.

After the arraignment, Daniel was again interviewed by Dylan. Daniel was asked several questions regarding Grace Vanderwaal, the trolls, leaked nudes and dating sites. Dylan also presented Daniel with some texts regarding Grace and Phi Kappa Tau. Daniel appeared troubled by these texts and proceeded to ask permission to take a photo of Dylan's phone. He soon after posted the image to YouTube through several community posts.

Daniel Announcing His Court Hearing

Post Court Interview With Dylan