July 24th Meltdown

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On July 24, 2023, Daniel posted many videos and community tab posts concerned about many fake posts that had been sent to him. These fake posts were from the FBI,[1] the Taliban,[2] news outlets,[3] Saddam Hussein[4], Joe Biden[5], and other famous people.[6][7] Most of these posts were centered around the idea of either finding Daniel, accusing him of a crime, or just bad mouthing his reputation. Daniel is often the subject of this kind of trolling, though he has gradually gotten less gullible to it. This incident is unique as it seems most of the fake posts have actually convinced him they are true. This might be due to the fact that his long-running manager, Warren, is the one sending him some, if not all, of these posts, making them more believable to Daniel.

Daniel at one point called a Code Silver because he believed that Grace was being taken into custody by the FBI. He also talks about how the FBI is trying to find him and take him to Russia, all of this being "confirmed" by his manager Warren.

Live Streams

Daniel streamed twice on YouTube as well as on TikTok this day, trying to explain the situation and his popularity.

His second has an interesting interaction between Daniel and someone who knew him before his "fame", asking how Daniel was doing and giving condolences for his grandmother passing.

Fan Interactions

Daniel had a surprising number of fan interactions on this day, giving his claim of to much popularity some validity.

Daniel asking fans to put his danger out there so that people know
Fans stopping at a stop light to get out and try and interact with Daniel, but he is very hesitant. He tells them about Grace's "arrest".
July 25th interaction with a college student who happened to spot him

July 25

Daniel continued to post the next day, July 25, in one of his videos his apologized for previous threats.

Daniel warned us that one day he would be to popular.

YouTube Community Posts

The truth about the property destruction and Golden Colorado at the university college is Bob dropped me off there because I've been staying in the college dorms in the hallways. That's where I was sleeping. Bob and I got into an argument and started cussing at each other. Bob said you didn't believe the label because they went from the 26 kneel down to its who meal when I didn't do anything at the time to change that and I and bob didn't believe me and I panicked. And I smashed my head into the wall causing my head to bleed 🩸 [8]

Back when I took the 26 million dollar deal when I was in New York City. I promised Bob that I would pay for his lawyer out of the money from the label to stop the impersonator impersonating him and to fix the Spotify and my distribution issues.[9]

The reason why I was leaking screenshots of Bob's messages went after he told me to stop and after everyone including the label asked me to stop was because I needed the truth out about what was going on with Bob and I. And how serious everything was.[10]

The reason why I had to change the price of cameos. Nobody was buying them at $10. I raised the price all the way until it hit $300 one person bought it at $300. One person bought it and that was enough for me to get back on my feet[11]

feel like I have every single right to be concerned and to be upset and for me to expose the record label for what they're doing I am not against the label I just don't like the fact that they're not believing me I wish they would just get up off their feet and actually do something helpful [12]

We also have to remember that I did spend a week in the mental health hospital not making a single dollar because I didn't have my phone[13]

July 26

The panic, paranoia, and trolling continued on July 26th 2023. Daniel starts his day by first stating that he is bankrupt[14] followed quickly after with an announcement that he will be attending the recording studio 3 times the following week.[15]Daniel talks about how he took the "26 million dollar record deal" so that he could pay for all of his expenses and demands that they hold up their end of the deal.[16] He also states that he is choosing to stay on the streets until he has $10,000 in his bank account.[17]Daniel was convinced that Jacob Sartorius was involved with Grace[18] because they were moving too slow.

After getting angry at his "record label" Daniel through a rock at a gas station window and broke it.[19] Daniel was charged with "Criminal Mischief - Less than $2000 - Private Property" and must appear in court on September 5th 2023.[20]