April 5th incident

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On a live stream with Daniel's management, Daniel is seen harassing a worker for a bodega because he was being kicked out for streaming, seemingly right after a couple of fans harassed him at the store. Daniel's management tells him to "defend himself", and he punches the worker, spits on him, and runs out, screaming about how injured he is and cursing the man out.

After leaving the call for a second, he says he is bleeding and that the worker tackled him. Daniel is still seen yelling at the worker, who is inside the shop.

His management, for the rest of the stream, questions him. He talks about how he was harassed by a couple of trolls at the store, and blames the worker for the situation.

/u/Puzzleheaded-Yak8588/ posted a couple of videos of fans who were harassing him in the store, which appears to be in the same store. The fans uploaded a stream of videos documenting their interaction to the TikTok account “Zocmonkey”.

The managers, after Daniel leaves the call, talks about them being worried about Daniel being arrested.

He goes to the hospital to get checked out for a concussion he got presumably during the altercation, and was released soon after.

Assault on Daniel

According to Daniel, he was assaulted my two fans in New York City. A video can be seen of him with a swollen eyelid and bandages on his nose. Daniel states "fortunately I don't have any fractures that I know of. I did have a fairly good sized cut on my...nose, but that's about it".