Elisabeth Shimer

From Daniel Larson Wiki
Revision as of 06:19, 5 January 2023 by SirPaniniee (talk | contribs) (Added health history, living history, education, and children including olivia & joyetta Larson.)
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Elisabeth Shimer (Avey) is the mother of Daniel Larson, as well as his two late siblings, Joyetta, and Olivia Larson. It’s been revealed by Daniel Larson that he was neglected by his parents as a child, especially by Shimer. Both Daniel and Elisabeth share a love for singing; they sound and look pretty similar. Elisabeth was adopted by Nancy Shimer when she was young. Her Facebook and YouTube profiles were posted to the Daniel Larson subreddit. Using this, they found pictures of her and younger Danderson.

A cover of the song “I Won’t Give Up” sung by Elisabeth directed towards Daniel

It’s important to note that Daniel was not in the custody of Elisabeth when she had posted the cover.


Elisabeth would give birth to Daniel in 1998. Later on in 2001, Elisabeth would give birth to twin girls, Joyetta and Olivia Larson.[1] The twins would later die in 2010 at the age of 9.[2]


From 1990-1993, Elisabeth was enrolled in YPIA (Young Peoples Institute of Arts and Academics), which is a high school. She would later graduate.[3][4]

From 1995-2004, Elisabeth was enrolled and graduated from Antelope Valley College for Music and Preforming Arts.[5][6]


In 2010, Elisabeth would go on to found and co-own Avey Incubator Inc[7], which sells animal incubators. As of 2023, the business is still running, and the website can be found here.

Living Situations

In 1990, Elisabeth would live in Palembang, Indonesia for her studies abroad.

In 2009, Elisabeth would move to Hugo, Colorado, with much envy to her friends.[8]

In 2015, Elisabeth would go into partial assisted living. (Due to the nature of the source, I cannot share it due to the leakage of personal information.)


Since Elisabeth was roughly 20 years old, she has had an aggressive form of lupus. As of march 10th, 2010, Elisabeth has been put on Chemo and immunosuppressants, as well as having a Multiple Sclerosis scare, which turned out to be her lupus acting up.[9] Elisabeth's health would continue to deteriorate further, as of February 8th, 2016, Elisabeth posted on Facebook that she is paralyzed from the breast bone down.[10]

Elisabeth speaks on her son

In June of 2022, Elisabeth would leave multiple comments on two videos by YouTuber/TikToker Papa Gut. They wouldn't become known to the Daniel Larson community until 3 months later, after they were shared to the Reddit. In the comments, Elisabeth would go into further detail on a number of topics relating to Daniel, including Daniel's various disabilities (beyond autism, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), his history of physical violence against both her and Nancy, the interpersonal relationship between the three of them, and that Daniel's stint in jail was in relation to his treatment of them. Although it is uncertain if Elisabeth can be trusted as a reliable narrator due to her tumultuous history with Daniel, the YouTube account which posted the comments has been verified as belonging to her.

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