Daniel's acts of violence

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Daniel has several mental disorders that alter his understanding of his surroundings. Often during his meltdowns Daniel lashes out his rage on objects and people around him. He has gotten into several fights with his old care taker Bob and made more than a dozen holes in the walls of his housing.

Physical fights

The most notable example of a recorded fight is an altercation between Daniel and Bob in Bob's car. The famous incident was dubbed the December 10th Incident. Daniel got into a really heated fight with the old man, to the point where Daniel's nose started to bleed from the punches he was receiving. We don't know the injuries Daniel sustained during the fight or what damage Daniel caused to Bob.

December 10th fight

Another fight that was documented happened in a grocery store(Bodega Incident). After having a verbal exchange with the store employee Daniel was kicked outside. Encouraged by his trolls, Daniel charged the employee and got a punch thrown at his nose. This caused Daniel to go into a meltdown. After Daniel was sent to the ER to patch up a rather large wound on his nose. Having little access to proper hygiene the wound would not heal properly starting to resemble the continent of Africa forming on his nose.

Bodega and the aftermath

Damage to the surroundings and himself.

Second window he broke

Luckily not every meltdown of Daniel resulted in a physical fight. More often he hit himself or broke the objects that were near him. During the June 10th meltdown Daniel has recorded on of his meltdown in which he hits himself several times out of anger.

June 10th

When Daniel wasn't punching himself he was making craters in the walls of his several housings. He would repeatedly make holes with his fists. The Pink room suffered the most damage from Daniel going nuclear on the walls.

A hole left in the wall by Daniel

After Daniel got rehoused he managed to break the window of his room twice. After that the caretakers gave up and just put plywood over it, making it look like a room out of a mental asylum.

Plywood window

First window he broke