Video:The reason why I can't have food stamps and my card stopped working 😂

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On September 24, 2023, Daniel Larson published a YouTube video in which he admitted to misusing food stamps during his time in Las Vegas, leading to his disqualification from the program. He attributed this misuse to a lack of understanding of how the system worked.

Account Daniel Larson NYC 13
Date 09/24/2023



I just wanted to make this clear. When I was in Vegas, Las Vegas, in the year 20... It would have been the year 2022 to 2023, but it was the time when I went to California and then got on the bus across country to New York. So the issue is, while I was in Vegas, I got on food stamps with their food stamp card and not knowing how the food stamp process or anything works, I literally spent upwards of around a year's worth of food stamps to where the card got blocked for fraud because I didn't know how the card worked and at the time I didn't have a Colorado ID. I lost my debit card so I got on food stamps. I went to the homeless shelter and got on food stamps. At that point of time, I thought it was free money. I called Bob for assistance and yeah, that was my mistake. But yeah, I can no longer have food stamps because I pretty much committed fraud.