Daniel Larson Wiki:Rules and Ban Appeals

From Daniel Larson Wiki
Revision as of 04:02, 29 December 2023 by KanamoriKamper (talk | contribs) (Added one more thing. Admin, feel free to edit or delete things as I could be wrong)
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Sucks to be you! But it's probably for a reason.

Common Reasons People get Banned

Here's a list of common reasons you (and others) have been banned:


Do not sign up, or start editing the wiki solely to blank pages, vandalize user pages, or type nonsense into articles to be “funny”. Seriously, stop it. You aren't funny, and it will only end up with getting a permanent ban from this website.

You're Daniel

While unlikely, it can happen. Likewise, do not vandalize the wiki while impersonating Daniel. Often times, this is so the offending vandal in question can fabricate news about Daniel vandalizing the DL Wiki to make himself look good. Either way, knock it off. It only serves to make frustrated admins and editors clean up after yourself.


Inserting nonsense or gibberish makes you seem just as delusional as Daniel, don't do it.

Self promotion

If you start advertising your own projects, even if Daniel related, it’ll be deleted and you’ll be subsequently punished for your actions. No one is here to buy your snake oil.


People can be stupid, and it's only human to disagree with people. However, it's a different story to threaten those you disagree with, say how you're going to dox them, intimidate them, harass them, etc. Often tied with vandalism, namely vandalizing a user page with harassing remarks or insults. You look like an idiot while doing so, and you don't look smart.

Getting unbanned

If you'd like to get banned, please consult an admin in the DL Wiki Discord, and request an appeal. If they feel that it is worth their time, and you are able to explain yourseld, you'll be let back in. But if you aren't unbanned, deal with it, and do something else.