"Quacko" has either missing content, has false information, has large formatting issues, is poorly written, has an extensive bias, or is illegible. Large portions or even the entirety of this article need to be rewritten. |
Remember that doxxing is both illegal and immoral. Phone numbers, home addresses, and confidential information should be omitted from this page. |
"Quacko" is incomplete or missing content. |
Quacko is a troll of the Daniel Larson YouTube channel with over 20k subscribers.
Quacko was in past management multiple times, and has since stopped after being doxxed by people in the Larson Lux Discord server.
Quacko's main goal was to be Daniel's producer and to make music for him, while also getting Daniel to give him clout, via appearing on livestreams, renaming The Daniel Larson YouTube channel to "Quacko," and more.
Quacko's Influence
It's not clear what exactly Quacko had pushed Daniel to do, but speculations can be done in order to portray a better picture.
According to Daniel, Quacko hacked Daniel’s accounts several times, even though there isn't sufficient evidence proving he hacked anything.
According to CDQ, another troll, Quacko had encouraged Daniel to go to the back of a Spencer's, and purchase sex toys.
Quacko also may have been behind the sleepy Joe incident.