Taxi Incident

From Daniel Larson Wiki
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On December 28th, 2022, Daniel defrauded a taxi driver after being asked to pay for his ride. His bill for the Taxi was $35.85, to which he repeatedly tried to pay for it with his Medicaid card (seemingly not knowing that Medicaid only pays for rides to and from doctor's offices), whilst getting into a heated debate with the taxi driver over the validity of Medicaid as a payment method. Daniel was eventually kicked out of the car after threatening to get the driver fired from his job.

The full live stream containing this incident is lost.




Daniel: OK! Give me one second...

Automated voice: Amount is $35.85.

[video cuts]

Driver: It said declined.

Daniel: Yeah, I- I know. I'm sorry. [machine beeps] Oh-

Driver: Declined too. It says declined too. [beep] Declined too. [Daniel mumbles]

Daniel: Do you guys take Medicaid by chance?

Driver: What's that?