May 26th Music Leaks

From Daniel Larson Wiki
Revision as of 06:22, 11 June 2024 by LarsonOnLean (talk | contribs) (background of leaked songs bc i know more about them)
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On May 26th, 2024, unreleased music by Daniel Larson was leaked as a bonus to the $25,000 Kanye West - Can U Be groupbuy and would later be posted to r/DanielLarson, featuring a total of 3 new songs never heard before, as well as new mixes of released music such as Daniel's cover of Wild Hearts and Merry Go Round.

While it is unknown as to the exact date behind these songs, these seem to have been recorded sometime between 2020-2021, judging by the mic quality and the repeat of lyrics including "P-R-E, More Like No Siree".

List of songs leaked:

Merry Go Round (New Mix)

Wild Hearts (New Mix)


Slander It Up

Welcome To The Club