April 6th Meltdown

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On April 6, 2024 at 4pm MDT, Daniel Larson went live on YouTube, having a rage-fueled meltdown. Daniel was much angrier in this incident than he had ever been in previous incidents. It involved the typical behaviors such as self harm, saying the n word, and threatening terrorism, but in volumes that had never been observed before.

The incident started after Daniel was kicked out of a Buffalo Wild Wings. The prelude to the incident consisted of a 1 minute video of Daniel running away from the Buffalo Wild Wings, but it is unknown what took place there.

The April 6th Incident serves as one of the most poignant examples of Daniel’s debilitating mental health. Daniel displays more extreme violent tendencies than in most of his other videos, and stays consistently angry throughout. This is one of the worst meltdowns Daniel has had.

The April 6th Incident took place almost a year to the day after Daniel was confronted in a bodega.

Prior Events

Daniel is seen running away from the location at the start of the video. The original video on YouTube was titled "Daniel Larson just got his new job threatened by the manager at Buffalo wild wings 😡" but this job is most likely something conjured up by trolls. In this video he exerts enough energy that he is panting by the end of it and about 40 minutes later the April 6th Incident would start.

The Incident

The video was recorded in an extremely windy environment, making portions of Daniel's speech obscured. Daniel starts the video by calling Bob the N-word and threatens to bomb his house till the day he dies. After this he repeatedly says "bomb", "kill", and "murder" as if to vent his frustration with "Bob" or whoever he believes is persecuting him. He then goes on to threaten bombing on every police station in the world, the feds, the White House, and Daniel MacDougall.

The clip on the right is the first 30 seconds of the incident in which Daniel hits the ground and screeches twice before it syncs up with the longer video.

Throughout the duration of the video his face is coated in his own saliva, and he's performing the angry tongue, even briefly hitting himself. It should be noted that the "Bob" involved in this incident was most likely a troll that incited Daniel and not the real Bob, considering that the real Bob cut ties with Daniel back in 2023.


[Daniel is having a huge meltdown.]

Daniel: Oh my god!

[He starts hitting the ground or his leg, groans, and screams twice. Then he does the Angry Tongue and flips off the camera]

Daniel: (screaming in rage) FUCK YOU N---R!!!!! FUCK YOU BOB!!!! FUCK YOU N---R!!!! (his nose is visibly runny) I WILL BOMB YOUR HOUSE TILL THE DAY YOU FUCKING DIE!!!!!!!! BOMB YOU!!! BOMB YOU!!!! BOMB YOU!!! BOMB YOU!!! KILL YOU!!! KILL YOU!!! KILL YOU!!! CALL THE FEDS ON ME, YOU FUCKING LIAR!!!!

[Daniel hits himself in the head once]

Daniel: BOMB!!!! BOMB!!! BOMB... BOMB YOU!!!! BOMB YOU!!!! BOMB YOU!!!! (groans, hits his head some more) KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL!! *unintelligible due to wind* fucking *unintelligible* KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL!!! KILL! MURDER YOU! KILL!! KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL!! KILL FUCKING MURDER!! MURDER!! This is a message to every fucking police station in the world!! FUCKING KILL KILL KILL!!! KILL! MURDER! This is a message to the fucking feds! If you don't fucking listen to me, I will fucking kill you too! Murder! Bomb you! The fucking White House too! Bomb you! Go ahead and ban my channel! Make sure I'm homeless for the rest of my fucking life! (hits himself more) You did this to yourself bitch! You did this all to your fucking self! Bomb, bomb, bomb! Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb!!!! Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb!!! Kill kill kill kill kill!! (hits his head more, death metal growl) This is a message to Daniel McDougall! You didn't listen to Bob and me, and this is what you get! (moves arm like a bomb dropping) BOMB!! (hits head for another 5 seconds) Go ahead and take away my housing, bitch! Go ahead and take away my housing! I will bomb the White House if you do! Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!! Kill kill kill!