Bing Bong Video

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A famous video in which Daniel is seen walking around his room continuously saying "bing bong" and dancing, in the middle of his ritual his gags and pukes off screen before immediately continuing with his "bing bong" chant. The video was taken from a TikTok live. A longer version of the video exists in which after Daniel is done with dancing and puking, he gets down on the floor and praising Jonas calling him the king and the chosen one. Based on Reddit comments this live stream happened around November 28 2021 [1]


While originally a live stream, parts of it were captured by viewers and uploaded to Reddit and other platforms.

Bing. Bong.

Transcript includes audio from a slightly earlier recording start time[2]

Bing-ga, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong bing, bong


*Tries to shake it off and starts gagging*

*Pukes off screen*

Bing! bong Bing! Bing! bong Bing, bing bong Bing, bing bong ahhhh all hail Jonas... all hail Jonas... Jonas the king... Jonas the one... Jonas is the chosen one oh *giggles that turns into evil laugh...or something* oh Jonas oh hail Jonas now