Daniel Larson Wiki:New Pages

From Daniel Larson Wiki
Revision as of 17:21, 14 January 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Details on who can create new pages has changed slightly (autoconfirmed only))
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New Pages To-do list >

Only Autoconfirmed users may create new pages. If you aren't autoconfirmed yet you may suggest the article on our to-do page or in the Discord as you work towards the autoconfirmed requirements (an obtainable number of edits and certain account age). If you are autoconfirmed you must still first, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is there enough content for a new article?
    • For example: Daniel posting a single TikTok that's only a slide show and background music is most likely only enough content for half a sentence, and therefore, should not have its own page. Feel free to add it to the Timeline, or the article for which account it was posted on, though!
  2. Is the content that I am thinking of making a new page for better fit on another page?
    • This can be hard to figure out, so use your best judgement. If a certain incident happened during an arc it's probably better to add it as a heading inside the arc page instead of a new page on it's own. Redundancy is also a factor to consider. If a page continues information that already exists on another article, or can simply be merged into another article, a new article does not need to be made.
  3. Does the page already exist?
    • If it does, don't make a new article!
  4. Does it go against the nature of this wiki?
    • The goal of this wiki is to watch from afar, document Daniel Larson, and nothing more. Given this rule, people who create content about Daniel do not need their own article, unless they have directly interacted with Daniel in an impactful way (him mentioning a video once doesn't count). And as a reminder, the wiki strictly condones interacting with Daniel in any way, shape, or form. Users going out of their way to contact Daniel specifically for the wiki will be banned.

I found a page that is breaking these rules!

Great! Feel free to mark the article in question with the {{Delete}} ambox and move on. However, as the ambox states, do not blank the page when marking for deletion. Feel free to bring up a discussion on the talk page.

Moving and Renaming

Moving a page is the same as renaming. Only rename pages when absolutely necessary. Pages can be renamed by going to an article, going to the top and selecting "More", then pressing "Move", and renaming the article to what you'd like. Reasons for renaming articles are:

  • Grammatical errors
  • Similarities to other articles
  • Better searchability

Renamed articles may be reverted to their original titles if needed, feel free to discuss with admins or others, if need be.


Only the admin can delete articles, please contact them requesting a deletion on the DL Wiki's Discord.

Video articles

Videos that should be immediately archived are live streams, videos of incidents, and so on. Videos that simply just slideshows with music should be documented, however, they do not deserve their own page and should be a footnote on the timeline. All articles with videos require a transcript. For more information about transcripts, see Daniel Larson Wiki:Transcripts.

Video Namespace

This wiki has a "Video:" namespace that has less strict "content" and naming requirements. If you aren't sure where to put a video this is a good option.

NSFW Content

Daniel, like many other lolcows, has an abundance of sexual content floating around involving him. While they should be documented here, they should never be uploaded or embedded. However, you may link to the video where it is hosted, preferably on Archive.org.