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Despite previously denying owning a Quora account, a video posted on Match 31st of Larsons cracked phone screen revealed the Quora app icon, meaning it is downloaded to his phone. It was then inferred that this account is belonging to Daniel. The account has questions dating back to September, and include queries such as, “Why do I feel little worms when I ejaculate?”, and, “Why does my daughter smell like pee during sexual activities?”, as well as one answer in response to, “have you ever raped or sexually assaulted anyone?”, to which he said, “No and whoever would is out of there fucking mind”. Daniels response to this was to tell his fans to stop trying to frame him.

The validity of the account may be questioned as the typing patterns between Larson’s Youtube and Tiktok comments do not match the Quora accounts. He also continued to post to the account even after it being leaked.