FlyingFoxandwings AMA

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On January 24th, 2024, Reddit user u/FlyingFoxandwings would post to the r/Daniellarson subreddit, revealing that they were one of Daniels schoolmates during his time attending Sobesky Academy. After revealing themselves, many users would ask them questions regarding Daniel, to which they’d answer.

During this AMA, they dispelled rumors of Daniel ever being bullied at school, due to Sobeskys students being extremely understanding of his issues given that most of not all students were going through something similar to him.


Question 1

u/OtherCypress42: Was he bullied alot in school?

u/FlyingFoxandwings: Contrary to what he may say, people were actually quite respectful towards him. We all knew we had our own issues, and for the most part, nobody meant any harm towards him. Whenever he was called Danny phantom, there was no malicious intent. He didn't even really react to it. I guess that's more something that came after he graduated. But no, not really anybody bullied him. This particular school was quite small, so when I say that, not really, anybody bullied him, I mean, there were about 18 of us in the high school. Even the biggest bully in the school didn't really pay much mind to him. He was just that reserved. [1]

Question 2

u/Peapers: Is Sobesky filled with people like Daniel? r u guys like him too? (genuinely unaware if sobesky is a short bus school or something else)

u/FlyingFoxandwings: Sobesky holds kids with a wide range of conditions. I was there because I had attempted suicide. I'm fully rehabilitated and I'm not suicidal anymore. I'm now a law student in California. Most of the other people had issues just like regular delinquency and fighting. You didn't see many severely ill students like Danny, but when you did it was obvious. [2]

Question 3

u/Clock-Apart: Any interesting high school lore? Was he deranged? Creepy. Please make a post describing the former celebrity’s early teenage yeara

u/FlyingFoxandwings: He wasn't creepy, actually. He seemed pretty normal. He really had some issues with academic retention and he was very reserved. He often times would have an escort, and his escorts would call him Danny. It's kind of just habit to call him Danny at this point rather than Daniel. He didn't cause very much trouble, however, there was the occasional "close and lock". But it was pretty normal for kids to cause such events. He was definitely suppressing the urges and such we see today, however, because post-graduation it was like night and day. He went from robotic to the way he is today. It was a rapid turnaround. [3]

Question 4

u/Tewpy: Is there a reason why he dislikes being called Danny? He hates it and will block anyone calling him that

u/FlyingFoxandwings: Well, everyone referred to him as Danny at Sobesky. Maybe that had to do with it. It's hard to see what goes on behind each students case, and or that reason it's hard to really point a finger at a particular incident. He was also called Danny at Tennyson, so that could be the root cause because from what I've seen Tennyson is not all sunshine and rainbows. One of my closest friends was sent there, and it traumatized her to her core. [4]

Question 5

u/DorkDiariesBad: Was Daniel ever violent at all? Did he have any friends? Any major incidents? I remember hearing that Sobesky wasn’t a school that really intended to have kids graduate from, but to have children reintegrate back into public schools. Any truth to that?

u/FlyingFoxandwings: It is very true that Sobesky is what is known as an alternative transitional school. The main goal is to rehabilitate difficult students and help them sort through their issues to attain academic success. However, there are two situations where one will graduate from this actual school: reason number one can be that they came super late in their high school career, and they just weren't able to get rehabilitated enough to transition prior to their graduation. The other is that they made no progress whatsoever and had gone to the school for most of their career. It's actually somewhat sad, but not all hope is lost for those who graduate from sobesky. Most of those who have lived their own lives now. Some even have families, and others even have regular careers. Danny just went a different way. It's already been speculated that during the time he was at Sobesky that he was heavily medicated. I could see this being true. Again, it was put in place that no students know any details of one another's case. So that's merely speculation, as it would explain the complete 180 turnaround. For the most part, he wasn't violent. He wasn't really violent towards the staff, however, in rare situations, he was violent towards himself. [5]

Question 6

u/fnaffan110: Did he ever talk about Grace Vanderwaal?

u/FlyingFoxandwings: Nope, not in the way that he talks now. He still had an obsession with singing but Grace Vanderwaal was actually not a well known thing about him yet because he suppressed such obsessions and delusions [6]