FlyingFoxandwings AMA

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On January 24th, 2024, Reddit user u/FlyingFoxandwings would post to the r/Daniellarson subreddit, revealing that they were one of Daniels schoolmates during his time attending Sobesky Academy. After revealing themselves, many users would ask them questions regarding Daniel, to which they’d answer.

During this AMA, they dispelled rumors of Daniel ever being bullied at school, due to Sobeskys students being extremely understanding of his issues given that most of not all students were going through something similar to him.


Question 1

u/OtherCypress42: Was he bullied alot in school?

u/FlyingFoxandwings: Contrary to what he may say, people were actually quite respectful towards him. We all knew we had our own issues, and for the most part, nobody meant any harm towards him. Whenever he was called Danny phantom, there was no malicious intent. He didn't even really react to it. I guess that's more something that came after he graduated. But no, not really anybody bullied him. This particular school was quite small, so when I say that, not really, anybody bullied him, I mean, there were about 18 of us in the high school. Even the biggest bully in the school didn't really pay much mind to him. He was just that reserved.

Question 2

u/Peapers: Is Sobesky filled with people like Daniel? r u guys like him too? (genuinely unaware if sobesky is a short bus school or something else)

u/FlyingFoxandwings: Sobesky holds kids with a wide range of conditions. I was there because I had attempted suicide. I'm fully rehabilitated and I'm not suicidal anymore. I'm now a law student in California. Most of the other people had issues just like regular delinquency and fighting. You didn't see many severely ill students like Danny, but when you did it was obvious.