Video:My entire family and team messed up financially big time today and now it won't be a few day fix. 😱: Difference between revisions

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(Video is one of the last uploaded to the account)
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Latest revision as of 02:17, 2 November 2023

On September 27, 2023, Daniel published a YouTube video that he uploaded 15 times with different titles. In the video, he stated that he had a financially challenging day, having spent $50 at the start of the day only to find his bank account had dropped by an additional $80 due to delayed bill payments. Despite his efforts to manage his finances, he ended up spending an additional $60 without being able to complete his tasks for the day. He estimated that the total cost of the day would have been around $200 for transportation, food, and other necessities.

Larson also shared that he had been receiving death threats and that his Google and YouTube accounts had been hacked. He mentioned that two iPhones from New York City and a Mac PC from Los Angeles were logged into his account, despite him not owning an iPhone or a Mac PC. He expressed concern over these security breaches and the potential harm they could cause.

Furthermore, Larson disclosed that he had reached out to Bob for financial assistance but was turned down due to concerns over the death threats made towards him. As a result of these circumstances, Larson anticipated his bank account would be overdrawn by $50 the following morning, leading to an overdraft fee. This situation further exacerbated his financial difficulties. Larson ended the video expressing uncertainty about how he would manage his financial situation moving forward.

Account Daniel Larson NYC 13
Date 09/27/2023



Okay, I just thought I would let everybody know about this, but today was a complete failure financially. I didn't get anything done that needed to get done because I didn't have the finances. I got the day started, spent $50. I got the day bus ticket, I got breakfast, everything was looking good and halfway through the day around 11am I went to the bank account, well I went to the bank, looked at the bank account and my bank account dropped. So it dropped like another $80 randomly and I think that is because my bank is always slow with how it's done payment wise. So I guess I had other bills from like days ago that just went through today, but that's besides the point, but after spending $50 trying to get to the store I ended up not having the money to get the things the rest of the day done. So I wasted like about $60 today, like no joke. I wasted like $60, only got half of what I needed done and yeah, today would have costed me about $200 for transportation, food, and to be able to get what I needed done. So yeah, I am completely fucked up financially and I did call Bob to try to help earlier today, but apparently he was going off about yesterday's threats when I was up in Blackhawk and I got my YouTube and Google hacked. I was talking to Bob about that there was two iPhones that were logged in out of New York City. I don't even have an iPhone, never will. I hate iPhones, but that's what my Google said was logged in and a PC, a Mac PC out of Los Angeles was logged into my account. So I don't know who the fuck was logged in to my Google account, but somebody was and I guess they were the ones posting. Very very scary. Also I was talking to Tina VanderWaal today and it is true, they are also receiving death threats. So they are too, not just me, not just Bob. Fortunately Bob is freaking out about the death threats now and has refused to help out financially again under concern of the death threats. So I think tomorrow morning my bank account is going to be negative $50, which I'm super concerned about, mainly because I overdrafted my bank account today. And when I asked Bob for help, of course that didn't happen, so the day is closing out pretty much with my bank account in the negative already. So I will get the $50 stupid bank charge for overdraft. So I am in an even worse financial situation than I was already in, pretty much. I am now going to have to either delay another day or figure out what the hell I'm going to do.

Other Titles

Daniel uploaded the same video 15 times with different titles. Below is a list of every title in order of upload.

  1. my entire family and team messed up financially big time today and now it won't be a few day fix. 😱
  2. major crisis 😭
  3. I'm tired of the games πŸ˜”
  4. I can't keep doing this 😭
  5. today was a massive miscommunication and failure 🀯
  6. I just wasted about 100 dollars in one day 😱 😭
  7. holy shit 😱
  8. I feel like Bob doesn't actually care about my safety at all 😭
  9. it's time to get aggressive or things won't happen
  10. I can't keep affording this and always going in circles. 😑
  11. time is running out. everyone riot 🀬
  12. i will put an end to this issue tonight 😑
  13. Bob needs to stop blaming me for what the impersonators and trolls are doing and saying.
  14. I got the same threats Bob did 😭😑
  15. everyone will remember today as the day Daniel Larson saved the economy from total collapse πŸš€