Nuclear Attack Incident

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Revision as of 01:01, 4 August 2022 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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On August 2nd, 2022 during a Twitch stream Ox made a $100 donation goal "Swap the video with a fake nuke warning". The goal was reached thus beginning the prank.

Initial Reaction

As soon as Daniel heard the words "Nuclear Attack" he sprung into action, taking down notes then leaving to go warn others at the front desk of the hotel.

Daniel runs to inform the rest of the hotel. Only to return and have Ox explain that it was a prank. Daniel was not too happy with the idea.

Daniel's Reception

Daniel was not pleased at all with this prank. Daniel was already stressed about US and China relations so this caused great panic. Daniel announced Ox's firing many times, sometimes claiming that it was a one week suspension. Daniel also broke a TV after the prank [1]

The following day

On August 3rd 2022 the rage against Ox continued. Fully firing ox because he received a "restraining order" from the "Vanderwaal family".