Daniel Larson's Finances
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DO NOT financially enable Daniel. By doing so, you are actively encouraging his delusions and wasting your money. Enablers are also banned from the site. |
Daniel is not particularly known for well managed finances and/or good spending habits.
When Nancy Shimer died, she left her money to Daniel in a trust fund managed by Bob Proctor, though we do not know how much money was in Daniel's trust fund. Daniel will sometimes post updates on his finances via an app on his smartphone, but these screenshots are completely unreliable.
Daniel, despite being given this money to spend on housing, medicine, food, and water, often spends it on gambling and tech items he will inevitably destroy. Even when he's penniless, Daniel often uses Dine and Dashing to enjoy copious amounts of food at no cost.
Daniel also spends a significant amount of money on his collection of sex toys to satisfy his fantasies.
Daniel's sources of income
Daniel has had several sources of income throughout his life. These range from the relatively mundane, like Nancy Shimer's trust fund, to the risky, like gambling. His most common method, however, is e-begging, hoping financial enablers pay for whatever he needs or wants.